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"He suddenly had an attack earlier,the doctors didn't say anything yet."Soojoo said.

"Send me the address I'm on my way."Jisoo said.As soon as she got the address she drove to the hospital using her motorcycle.Cold sweats ran down her face,tears on verge of falling.She came at the hospital in no time,she ran inside and went to Soojoo's location."How's dad?"She asked,panting.

"They're just moving him in a room."Soon the doctor came,approaching Jisoo and Soojoo.

"How's my father?"

"Miss Kim,its your father's second attack and probably could lead to another stroke.Or.."

"Or what?"

"Or if this gets any worse,he could not surv-"

"Where is he?"Jisoo cut him off,doesn't wanna hear the next words he'll say.


"Thank you."She walked to the ICU room of her father."You can leave now."Jisoo told Soojoo.

"You're good alone here?"Jisoo nodded,so Soojoo walked away.She entered the room,seeing her father here makes her heart clench in pain.She sat next to him,holding his hand.

"Dad..dad you can't leave me alone.Please don't come with mom yet.I can't live without you."Tears ran down her cheeks,she's crying hard.She doesn't wanna loose the man who's the reason on whoever she had become."Dad..stay with me."


The next day..

The girls came at the school and to their surprise, another teacher came.It isn't Jisoo.

"Where's Jisoo unnie?"Nayeon asked.

"She's probably done with you all being dumb."Jeongyeon said.

"Probably right."Tzuyu said.

"Hey unnie isn't like that!"Sana defended.

"Students,none of those is the reason."The teacher spoke.

"Then where is Jisoo unnie?"Chaeyoung asked.

"She's at the hospital."

"What?What happened to her?"Momo asked worriedly.

"Nothing happened to her,but her dad.He had a heart attack,so she needs to be there.And probably she can't come here to teach you because she'll worry about her father.Shes extremely close to Mr.Kim."The teacher explained."Okay now let's head at the discussion.Where did Miss Kim ended?"


"Seusungnim."Dahyun called the teacher.


"Do you perhaps know where the hospital is?We wanna visit unnie."Mina said.

"Yeah.Want the address?"

"Will we ask if we don't want it?"Tzuyu said,rolling her eyes.

"Yah Tzuyu don't be mean."Sana said.

"Fine.So where is it?"


Soon they came at the hospital,they headed at the counter.

"Miss can we know where Mr.Kim's room is?"Nayeon asked.

"Seriously,Nabong?There's a lot of Kims in this city how would the nurse know who you're talking about?"Jeongyeon said.

"The ICU.Wheres the ICU?"Mina asked.

"Third floor,ma'am."

"Thank you."They went at the third floor,looking for Jisoo.Theres many ICU rooms,and luckily Jisoo was outside,at the waiting area.

"Unnie!"Chaeyoung said,running to Jisoo.Jisoo looked at them.

"What are you doing here?"

"Visiting our favorite teacher."Momo said.

"I'm your only teacher."Jisoo said as she chuckled.

"How's your dad?We heard about it?"Tzuyu asked.

"He's..he's still in the ICU.I don't..I don't really know his state as of the moment."Jisoo said.The girls stayed with her for a while,talking to her and comforting her.

"Unnie,it's getting dark.We'll go home.Lets hope for your father's fast recovery."Sana said.Jisoo smiled.

"You can go now.Thank you for staying with me.Its not necessary for you all to be here but here you are.Thank you."Jisoo said.

"Bye unnie!"The girls left,but to Jisoo's surprise Dahyun was left with her.

"You aren't coming with them?"Jisoo asked.

"I know you need companion so I'm staying."Dahyun said as she sat closer to Jisoo.

"That's not necessary."

"But I want to.Besides,I don't have anything to do back at the dorm."Jisoo nodded.

"Thank you for staying,then."

"You must be really close to your dad.You look like you cried all night."Dahyun said.

"I did.He was so close to me.Specially when mom left us.He isn't my biological father and he just got me from somewhere.But even I'm a total stranger he took care of me like his own child.And that's something I so thankful for.If it's somebody else,they could just throw me or hurt me.But he and his wife didn't.I lost mom already,and I don't think I can live if I loose him too."Jisoo said.Dahyun suddenly pulled her for a hug.

"Unnie,you can do it.Youre a strong person and I know your father will fight for his life to be with you.Don't loose hope."Jisoo smiled,hugging Dahyun back.

"Thank you,Dahyun."

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now