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Jisoo arrived at the restaurant,she went off and entered,looking for Tzuyu.

"Unnie here!"Tzuyu waved her hand.Jisoo smiled and walked to her.

"There you are."She sat in front of her."Oh you already ordered?"


"Thanks."Jisoo ate,and Tzuyu was just quiet.

"There's this crazy thing that happened today.Your friends Sana,Nayeon and Dahyun confessed to me like damn.They did it all at once."Jisoo said.Tzuyu's heart beat fast.

No backing out,Tzuyu.You need to say if no matter what.

"Unnie."Jisoo faced her,with mouthul of food.


"I..I actually..I invited you for dinner to tell you something."

"What is it?"

I just wish it's not what I am thinking.

"I like you,unnie."Tzuyu confessed.


"Oh-ah.."She suddenly choked in her food."W-Water.."

"O-Oh here you go."Jisoo grabbed the water and drink it straight.

"What did you say again?"

"I..I like you,unnie.Just like the girls."Tzuyu said,hanging her head low in shyness.

"Nah you need to think about that.Okay Tzuyu?I'm leaving now.I gotta pay for the bill wait."

"Unnie it's our restaurant you don't have to."

"Ohh..then thank you for the free food.Gotta go now."Jisoo said,as she walked away."Damn I'm harsh."She just grabbed her helmet,putting it on and driving away.She went home,and to her surprise,Chaeyoung was there.

"Hey Jisoo,your student is here,she wanna ask you something."Mr.Kim said.

"Oh hey Chae what can I do for you?"Jisoo asked,walking to Chaeyoung.She noticed her fingers twirling together,seems Chaeyoung is a little shy.It was familiar for Jisoo,because she noticed it from the other girls.

Would this day could be any worse?


"Don't continue."Jisoo warned.


"You like me?"

"How did you know?"Chaeyoung asked back.

"Ugh."Jisoo groaned."Go back to your dorm.Thats nothing.Okay?Be safe."Jisoo said as she walked upstairs,to her room and slamming her body at the bed."What's with this day and all this confession?Gosh I can't process it!"


The next day..

As usual,Jisoo and Sooya went at the school.As soon as they enter the room,it becomes quiet.Jisoo didn't greet the girls good morning.Shes so sleepless.It was so awkward.After fivr of this nine girls confessed to her.Jisoo cleared her throat.

"Good morning let's start the class."She said,as she focused herself on teaching the girls.After few hours of teaching,it's finally break.Jiso actually wanna take a nap,but she just disregarded it.The girls left, even Sooya.But Jihyo,remained at the room.She walked to Jisoo.

"Unnie."She called.Jisoo looked up to her,Jihyo was leaning in at the table while Jisoo was seating.

"Yeah?"Jisoo was shocked when Jihyo grabbed her collar,pulling her closer then capturing her lips.Jisoo immediately pulled out."Hey what are you thinking?!"

"Unnie I like you!I..I just don't know how to say it and I felt the urge on kissing you."Jihyo explained.

"What's with you,kids?Damn."She stood up,walking to the restroom and staying there until the break was finish.She walked back at the classroom.This time,it's more awkward.After the class,Jisoo walked to Sooya."I'm going somewhere,can you tell mom and dad not to wait for me?"

"Sure,twin."Sooya said.

"Thank you."Jisoo said,then she walked to her motorcycle, driving to her favorite bar.She wasn't here for a while,she walked to the counter and took a seat."One cocktail."

"Coming right up."She waited for it,and soon it came.She was enjoying her drink when someone sat next to her.Someone really familiar.


"Jeongyeon.What are you doing here?"

"Suppose to meet some friends but they didn't came so I'm alone."Jeongyeon explained.Jisoo nodded.They drink together and talked,but Jisoo's alcohol tolerance was much higher than Jeongyeon,who got wasted faster than her.

"Hey Jeongyeon,stop drinking you had a lot already."Jisoo said.

"You're just someone I like a lot,but you have no right to stop me.Ooppss."Jeongyeon giggled.Jisoo's eyes widened.

"Even you?!"

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now