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"Time to go to unnie!"Chaeyoung said happily,as Jeongyeon drive her way to Jisoo's home.

"Why do you look excited to see Jisoo unnie?"Sana said with a playful grin.

"No I'm not!It's nothing!"Chaeyoung said,looking away to not show the girls her blushing face.They just laughed at her.They soon came at Jisoo's home,it's just a simple two storey house.Dahyun and Sana went off the car to pick Jisoo up.

"Unnie!"They both called loudly outside Jisoo's home.

"I'm coming!"Jisoo shouted back,and soon she was walking outside.Sana and Dahyun was checking Jisoo out,with her outfit she definitely looks hot.Her black pants with gray long sleeve and the blazer had it's one button buttoned,Jisoo looks hella hot,like she'll pick up a girl for prom."Hey.Lets go."Jisoo said,gaining the girls'attention.

"O-Oh yeah unnie let's go."They walked at the van,Jisoo entering.She sat next to Tzuyu,who was seating near the window.

"What are we waiting for?Let's go!"Nayeon said.Jeongyeon drove to a luxurious restaurant.The girls'parents encourages the girls to use formal attires,they want them to be used to it when the time comes that they manage their companies.

"We're here."Jeongyeon announced.They all went off the car.

"You look so nervous,unnie.Chill."Chaeyoung told Jisoo.

"Oh sorry."They all went in the resto,walking to a big VIP room,where the girls' parents and siblings are.The girls greeted their parents,leaving Jisoo standing like a statue.

"Is she the teacher?"Mr.Minatozaki asked.

"She is,dad."Sana confirmed.

"Come take a seat with us!"Mrs.Hirai said,gesturing an empty seat for Jisoo to sit.Jisoo bowed.

"Thank you,ma'am."She took a seat beside Jeongyeon,then Sana took a seat beside her.They started to eat.

"You're Kim Jisoo,right ahjumma?"Minju asked,Tzuyu's sister.

"Just call me unnie.And yes,I'm Jisoo."Jisoo replied.

"Oh so you're the girl Tzuyu unnie have been talking about."Jisoo's forehead creased.


"She's crushing o-"Before Minju could complete her sentence Tzuyu put a spoonful of food in her mouth.

"That's tasty,right?Unnie,don't mind her.Shes just really hungry."Tzuyu said,patting her sister's head and giving her a death glare.

"Okay."They continued to eat.

"You're really good on teaching them.Judging from their past examination,it hiked up again.Thank you,Miss Kim."Mrs.Yoo said.Jisoo smiled.

"That's nothing,ma'am."

"You did a lot for our daughters too.Dahyun won't stop talking about the day you saved her at the supermarket.I heard of it like a thousand times already."Mr.Kim said.

"Dad!"Dahyun warned her father as she blushed madly in embarrassment.She looks like a tomato.Jisoo chuckled.

"Really,Hyun?"Jisoo said with a grin.

"Yah unnie don't tease me!"Dahyun whined.Jisoo smiled.

"Okay,okay.I'll stop."

"I like you so much,why don't you court my daughter?"Mr.Park said.

"Wh-What sir?"Jisoo asked.

"Appa stop."Jihyo said.

"Just kidding.But seriously.If you court my daughter you're all welcome in the Park family."He added.

"Appa!"This time,Jihyo was the one who blushed.After the funny conversation they had,the girls took Jisoo home.Nayeon walked Jisoo to her house as the girls waited for her at the car.

"Uhm..I got a gift for you.I forgot to give it to you earlier so yeah.Here you go.Thats not big or as glamorous as the gifts you usually recieves,but yeah you can take it or just throw it if you don't like it."Jisoo said,handing Nayeon a small paper bag."Happy birthday."She said.Nayeon took it and opened it in front of Jisoo,taking the handmaid bracelet and necklace inside.


"You don't like it?Sorry that's all I can give it's okay-"Jisoo was about to take it away from Nayeon's hold but then Nayeon hugged her.

"Thank you,unnie.This gift is precious.I rarely had handmaiden gifts,but you made me one and I feel so important.This is nothing compared to those expensive gifts.Thank you."Nayeon said.Jisoo smiled shyly.

"I'm glad you like it.Ypu can go home now,see you tomorrow at the school?"Jisoo said.Nayeon smiled.

"See you,unnie."Nayeon and Jisoo bid their goodbye as Jisoo went inside her house,Nayeon came back at the car and can't stop looking at the necklace Jisoo gave her.

Am I important to you,Jisoo?

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now