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Jisoo brought Nayeon at the teacher's faculty,while the other teachers got the boy away from her.

"Here."Jisoo said,handing her a glass of water.

"Thank you,unnie."Nayeon said,drinking the water.

"Are you okay now?Who do you want me to call?"

"J-Jihyo."Jisoo dialed Jihyo's number.

"Jisoo unnie?Why did you call?"

"Jihyo, something happened with Nayeon.I think it's better if you come here to check on her,and bring her to your dorm.We are here at the faculty."

"Okay,unnie.I'm on my way."Jihyo turned the call off.Jisoo sat next to Nayeon.

"I'll make sure that he'll be expelled.You don't have to worry about anything."Nayeon smiled and nodded.

"Thank you,unnie."Jihyo soon came.

"Nayeonie!"She said,walking to Nayeon."What happened?"She asked.

"She's almost raped."

"What?!"Jihyo reacted."Who's that guy?I'm gonna call the girls we'll kill him!"Nayeon chuckled.

"I'm fine now,Jihyo.Unnie and the other teachers came to help me,you don't have to worry about anything."

"You sure?"Nayeon smiled.

"I'm sure,Jihyo.Lets just go back at the dorm."Nayeon said.

"Okay."Nayeon was about to stand up so Jihyo held her arm helping her to stood up,and Jisoo happened to do that too causing their hands to hold.Theres short time of them being quiet,not until Nayeon fake coughed.

"Ehem ehem will we just stand here?"She asked.

"Y-Yeah."Jisoo immediately moved away as Jihyo looked away,she's blushing madly."Be safe."

"Thank you."Nayeon and Jihyo walked away,Nayeon was grinning.

"You're crushing over our professor,aren't you?"Nayeon said,teasing Jihyo.

"A-Aniya!Let's just go back at the dorm!"Jihyo said,walking quickly and pulling Nayeon.

"Yah slow down!"


The next day..

As usual the girls were earlier than Jisoo,Jisoo came in at the room.

"Good morning girls."She greeted.

"Good morning unnie!"The girls greeted in unison.

"Hey Nayeon,you already good?"Jisoo asked.

"Yes,unnie.No need to worry."Nayeon said with a smile.

"That's great.He is currently in a suspension,soon he'll be expelled so you don't have to worry."

"Wait give me his address.I'll just teach him a lesson."Jeongyeon said.

"Agree.I'm coming with you,Jeong."Tzuyu said.

"Unnie don't mind them.Theyre just being ridiculous as always."Nayeon said, chuckling.

"Wait we're serious.Like damn really.He deserve a big punch on the face."Momo said.

"Just proceed to the lesson,unnie.This girls are really crazy."Jisoo chuckled.



Few months later..

"Look at my test!It's good!Mom will be very proud of me!"Dahyun said,clapping her hands.The girls just had their exams last week and due to Jisoo's teaching technique they've got high grades.The last year was awful because they all had a fight and still recovering after what Sooya have done to them.Thats why they also got awful grades.Jeongyeon hugged Jisoo.

"This is definitely great!Thank you,unnie!"She said.

"It's okay,it's my job anyway."

"Best birthday gift ever!"Nayeon exclaimed.

"Birthday?"Jisoo asked confusedly.

"Yes,unnie.Its her birthday today."Tzuyu confirmed.

"Woah.Happy birthday."

"Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?We have a dinner,I'm sure our parents will be happy to have you there."Chaeyoung said.

"Chaeng's right.After all,you've done great on teaching us."Dahyun agreed.

"No,that's not necessary anyway."

"Oh come one unnie don't be such a kill joy."Sana said.

"Yeah.Thats just a little formal dinner."Tzuyu said.

"I don't have much formal attires I'm good."

"Then I'll buy it for you."Mina said.

"C'mon unnie there's a lot of ways just join us!"Chaeyoung said.


After few convincing,Jisoo found herself standing at a clothing store,where Mina brought her before the night.

"Just choose what you want,unnie."Mina said.

"Seriously?"Jisoo asked.

"No I'm not serious."Mina said sarcastically."Just choose come on.The clock is ticking."

"Fine."Jisoo said,grabbing a black blazer,gray long sleeve and black pants."This will do."Jisoo said.

"Okay,let's go pay it."Mina said.They walked at the counter,then Mina paid it."Finally after an hour of you just standing and staring at the clothes you've finally choose one."Mina said as she chuckled.

"Sorry I'm just..a little shy?"Jisoo said.Mina laughed.

"Why would you be shy?We are your friends now.Weve been together for months."Mina said.Jisoo smiled at her,she doesn't notice herself smiling.They left the store,Mina drive her home."We'll pick you up later.See you!"Jisoo smiled at her.

"See you, Mina."

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now