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"What are you looking at?!RUN!"Jisoo shouted.Dahyun run,as Jisoo ran too before the thief could recover."Police!Police here!"Jisoo shouted.

"There's no police around,unnie."Dahyun said.

"Shush.Its to scare him."They saw the thief running away."Phew.Thats pretty hard."Jisoo said.

"I was expecting that you'll kick and punch him more instead of running."

"No I won't do that I don't wanna die early.Oh I gotta go back.My groceries were left there."

"What if he's there waiting for us?"Dahyun asked.

"I don't care.Thats expensive."Jisoo said,walking back.

"Oh my chocolates!"Dahyun remembered,walking back too.Jisoo got her things,Dahyun did too."Thank you,unnie!"Dahyun said.Jisoo smiled.

"You're welcome."


The next day...

Jisoo was at the front of the door at the room,having a mask on her hand.Its a white mask,to cover her face.Jisoo wore it,before opening the door and entering the class.They all started to laugh,because of Jisoo's look.

"Unnie why are you wearing mask?"Chaeyoung asked.

"Well I told Tzuyu that I'll make a way for her not to see that face you all hated.Thats why I'm doing this."Jisoo said.Tzuyu smiled.

"You don't have to."Tzuyu said.

"I'm doing this for all of you."They all just laughed again.

"You're not that girl,and we're definitely convinced that you're not her so you can remove that."Nayeon said as she chuckled.

"Yeah it's hard to breathe here."Jisoo said,removing the mask in her face.

"Told you."


"Okay class dismiss.See you next week."

"Finally weekend!"Jeongyeon said.All the girls left, except Momo.

"Momo why don't you go with them?"Jisoo asked.

"You forgot that you'll treat me jokbal."Momo said,pouting.

I thought she forgot that already.

"Oh yeah I forgot.Fine let's go and eat some of your favorite food."Jisoo said.

"Yey!"Momo squealed.Jisoo sighed as they walk outside,walking outside.One thing Momo loves the best here?Jokbal house is just walking distance away."Jokbal time!"Momo entered,running.Jisoo walked inside too.

"Two orders of jokbal meal for one person please."Jisoo said as she sat next to Momo.

"Wait.You mean you'll have jokbal too?"Momo asked.

"Of course.You just want me to watch you eat?"

"You should get me three orders!Sir give us four orders!"Momo said with a smile.

"Coming right up."The waiter said.

"Wait no-aish."Jisoo mentally scolded herself for offering that to Momo.After a while of waiting,the order came.

"Yey!"Momo said,clapping happily as she digged at the food.Jisoo eat too,and she laughed when she saw how Momo eat her food.

"You're one hungry kid."Jisoo commented.

"Well who wouldn't be hungry if the food is this pleasing?Gosh I love this so much!"Momo said.

"You look like a pig."Jisoo said as she watch Momo enjoy the food.

"I'm a pig."


"I am a pig.Youre a pig,everyone else in this room is a pig!"Momo said.

"Any proof or theories for that Miss Hirai?"

"No I just believe in that."Jisoo laughed.

"You're crazy."

"I am."


"Yeah that's true."Momo claimed.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure."

"What is your experience with the person that looks exactly like me?"Jisoo asked curiously.Momo stopped eating,caught up by the question."It's okay if you don't wanna answer it,I'll understand."Jisoo said.

"It's okay.We hated her.She took us all at once."

"How did she do that?"

"Well she's already in a two-year relationship with our friend, Tzuyu.Then she suddenly told me she wants me,and she just used Tzuyu to be near me.I don't know why I even believe that punk.When it's all just a bet for her to get all of us to fall for her."Momo explained.

"Did you really do love her?"

"Of course.And that's so dumb."

"Yeah.You're definitely dumb."Jisoo agreed.

"You're supposed to comfort me."Momo said as she pouted.Jisoo chuckled.

"But you're indeed dumb."

"Unnie~"Momo whined.



Chaeyoung was at one of their motorcycle stores,observing.Her family was well known on vehicles,that's what they manages.She was just walking around when she saw a familiar person,window shopping,maybe.

"Unnie!"She called.Oh,it's Jisoo.She walked there.

"Hi Chaeyoung."Jisoo greeted her.

"Why are you here,unnie?"

"Nothing,just window shopping.I like motorcycles.How about you?Why are you here?"

"We owns this."

"Oh really?"Jisoo said.Chaeyoung nodded.

"Yep.Why don't you buy motorcycle?Its great.Easy transportation."Chaeyoung started her marketing strategy.

"Believe me,I've been wanting to get myself one but everytime I'm about to buy,something happens.My mom's death,then my father's stroke.Maybe it isn't meant to be."Jisoo said.

"Your father have stroke?"

"Yeah,that's why I'm working hard.Gotta go,my dad's waiting for me.Good luck Miss Son and see you at the school."Jisoo said,leaving Chaeyoung.

"I didn't know she have such problems."

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now