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They're all sitting at the couch.Sooya,Jisoo,Mr.Kim and Mrs.Kim as Mr.Kim read the DNA results.

"99.96% match of DNA paternity test,so you're really our daughter!See?"Mr.Kim said,showing the paper.

"Yes!"Mrs.Kim hugged Jisoo."You're really my daughter,Jisoo."

"Yeah Mrs.Ki-mom."Jisoo corrected herself.

"Welcome back,twin."Sooya said."You better give me good grades."Jisoo chuckled.

"Work for it,then."

"Let's talk about your life.You seems a very smart kid since you got accepted as a professor in Seoul University."Mr.Kim said."Where did you graduated?"

"I graduated at Seoul University too.I've got a scholarship there and I've been an exchange student for six months in Chicago."Jisoo explained.

"Woah...can't relate."Sooya said.

"Really?Probably you've graduated with a honor."

"Yeah.Highest honor.I'm a consistent honor student,dad."Jisoo said.Mr.Kim smiled.

"You're really a Kim!I think you're the heiress of all my businesses now!"Sooya didn't intend to be jealous,but unconsciously,she is.She worked her whole life to impress her father.But here Jisoo is,she have impressed him in less than a minute.

"I'm going upstairs."Sooya said as she left,but her parents seems not to care.

"Sooya!"Jisoo called her."We have a lot to talk about come here."Sooya had a timid smile.

"Maybe tomorrow,I have a head ache."Jisoo nodded.

"Okay.Rest well."

Not a head ache,but a heart ache.


It's Monday,Jisoo had a nice sleep.She had a big room here,and her parents love her so much.She have nothing to ask for.They all had breakfast together.

"Sooya,give your car keys to Jisoo.You go with us.Let her borrow your car until I got to buy her one."Mr.Kim said.

"What?But that's mine!"Sooya protested.

"C'mon let Jisoo have it.Just for a while.You do know how to drive,right Jisoo?"

"No,no dad I'm good.I prefer my motorcycle."

"No it's dangerous.Your dad's right,go have a ride with Sooya since you have the same location."Mrs.Kim said.

"Now they teamed up."Sooya whispered.

"I'm really fine,mom,dad.I'm good.I love my motorcycle."

"Fine.If that's what you want.But I'll buy you a car.Arasso?"Mr.Kim said.Jisoo nodded.

"Arasso."They all left the mansion,then Jisoo and Sooya came just the same time."Hey sis!"Jisoo hooked her arm on Sooya's shoulder."It feels so good to have a sister."

"Give me good grades,sis slash professor."Sooya said.

"Yo dude work for it!"

"I'll do."They walked together to their room,and the girls were shocked to their sudden closeness.

"Unnie what happened to the both of you?You seems very close."Nayeon commented.

"Well it's natural for twins,aren't it?"

"What?Twins?"Jeongyeon said.

"Yes we are.Long story short,we found each other.Go take a seat,Sooya."Sooya settled at her seat,Jisoo seems very proud having her as a sister.Sooya,she wants to be close to her,really.But there's a barricade?What is it?



The class ended.They all started to leave,except Nayeon.Jisoo was fixing her things when Nayeon walked to her.

"Unnie."Nayeon called.

"Hmm?Anything I can do for you?"She said.

"U-Unnie please don't be angry on what will I say,okay?"Nayeon said.

"Of course,Nayeon.I will never be angry."

"I...I like you,unnie.I like you so much."Nayeon confessed.Jisoo's forehead creased.

"What?Of course you like me because I'm your teacher."

"No not like that.I mean..you know I really like you."Nayeon said.Jisoo finally understood it.

"Oww.."Its been silent for a while,then Jisoo tapped her shoulder."Think about it first,Nayeon.Okay?"Jisoo said before walking pass her,then her phone opened,there's a text message.


Unnie can we meet?At the library in building C.


Yeah sure.

Jisoo thought its just about school work,since sometimes Dahyun asks her to help her.She came at the library.

"Hey Hyun how may I help you?"She asked.Dahyun held her hand,bringing her at a side.

"Unnie I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Unnie I've been thinking about this since last night uhm..I..I like you.Not even sure if it's still like,maybe I'm..I'm in love?"Dahyun said.Jisoo patted her head.

"You're just confused,Dahyunie.Think about it first,maybe that's just infatuation.I need to go now."Jisoo said as she walked away,sighing to herself.She came at the parking lot and she saw Sana standing next to her motorcycle."Sana-chan what are you doing there?"Jisoo asked.

"Unnie we need to talk."

"Talk about what?"Sana grabbed both of her hands.

"Unnie I like you.Since the first day!I fell in love with you at first sight and I'm falling for you even more!"

"Sana...I don't think you know what you're saying.Think about it.Arasso?"Jisoo's phone rang,it's Tzuyu.She answered it."Hello?"

"Unnie,let's have a dinner.Remember the restaurant we ate together?"

"Oh yeah sure.I definitely need a break thanks for saving me.I'm coming wait for me."She turned the call off.She patted Sana's head."I'll leave now,think about it."Jisoo said as she wore the helmet and drive away.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now