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Normal day,they're all in class.Jisoo glanced at her watch,it's 4 pm already.Their class ends at 4 today,so she wrapped everything up.

"That's all for today.And Miss Hirai,kindly stay.We have something to talk about."Jisoo said.

"Wait I didn't do anything wrong."Momo said defensively.Jisoo chuckled.

"Yes,I know Miss Hirai.But this is an important matter.Class dismiss."


"Hey wait for me!"Momo shouted,but the girls left already.Jisoo walked to her desk,with a paper in her hand."What did I do?"Momo asked.Jisoo put her paper at the desk.

"Look.Your essay got lots of grammatical errors,misspellings and such.I thought you lived in Los Angeles for a while?"

"Yeah I did, but I didn't talk to anyone except the girls.I'm not as good as them.I'm..I'm a failure."Momo said as she hang her head low.

"Miss Hirai,why would you say that to yourself?Your biggest supporter must be yourself too,so you shouldn't give up.If I,your teacher believes in you why don't you believe in yourself?I know you can do much more better."Jisoo said."Finish this paper right now."

"I can't,okay?My mind can't process that paper."Momo said.

"What's your favorite thing in this world that you can't exchange with anything else?"Jisoo suddenly asked.

"Why are you asking?Out of topic."

"C'mon just tell me."Momo sighed.

"Jokbal.I love it so much and even in after life I won't exchange it with anything.Happy?"Momo said.Jisoo nodded.

"If you got all the errors correct and got this paper perfect,I'm treating you jokbal.How about that?"Jisoo said.Momo's eyes widened.


I'm avoiding unnecessary expenses and here I am,offering to spend my money for other person.Dumb.

"Yep."But she won't get it perfect,right?Oh c'mon she wouldn't.

"Okay!"Momo was quick to write it again in a neat paper,and less than an hour she got the essay done,handing it to Jisoo."Go check it."She said excitedly.Jisoo checked it,and to her surprise Momo got it perfect.She re read it two more times,but yeah it's really perfect.

"You..you got perfect score."

"Okay time to treat me some jokbal!"Jisoo sighed.

Oh boy I messed up.

"Fine."Jisoo stood up and about to walk to Momo's side,when Momo's phone rang.

"Wait a minute."Momo answered the call,it's Chaeyoung."Hello?"

"Is Jisoo unnie still with you?"

"Yeah why?"

"Tell her to get the librarian in building C now!"

"Why?What happened?"

"We just went at the cafeteria and left Jihyo at the library,but when we went back it's locked already!She was banging the door earlier but now she's quiet!We need help!"

"Oh sh*t.Okay on my way."Momo turned the call off."You come with me."Momo said,grabbing Jisoo's hand and pulling her outside.

"Yah slow down I might trip!Where are we going?"Jisoo asked.

"You know where the building C library keys is?We need it!"Momo said,panicking.

"What?For what?"

"My friend was locked at the library we need help!"

"Okay,okay chill.Let her wait."

"Wait?She's claustrophobic for goddamn sake!"Momo said.

"Ohh..okay.Oh there is Miss Lee is!She's the librarian by this time."Jisoo knows it,she studied for four years here of course."Miss Lee!"The teacher looked back.

"Oh hey Jisoo."

"Ma'am can we get the library's key?Someone's locked at the library.She needs immediate help."

"Okay here you go."Momo grabbed the keys from the teachers hand and ran away.

"Thank you,ma'am!"She ran too,catching her breath as she reached the library.The other girls are there too,and they were having a hard time opening the door."Give me that."Jisoo grabbed the keys and opened the door,she found Jihyo laying at the floor, unconscious.

"Jihyo!"Her friends shouted.Jisoo carried Jihyo at her back.

"Hell I'm breaking my back."Jisoo whispered."Let's go to clinic!"Jisoo said as they all went at the clinic,bringing Jihyo there.Jihyo was checked,and she's all fine now."She's already good?I gotta go now."Jisoo said.And before she could walk away,Jeongyeon grabbed her hand.She looked back."What is it Miss Yoo?"Jisoo asked.

"Uhm..thank you for helping us.This is out of your work as a teacher but you helped us."Jeongyeon said sincerely.Jisoo smiled.

"You're welcome,I'm doing this as a friend.And anyone could done that for her."Jisoo said.

"You're not as bad as I thought."Jeongyeon said.

"Told you,I'm not bad.I'll be here as your teacher and as a friend too.Maybe that other person who exactly looks like me hurted you all a lot.But I assure you,I'm way far from who that person is.I gotta go leave now,see you tomorrow."Jisoo said as she walked I way.Jeongyeon smiled.

I can trust you,right?

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now