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Sana was snuggling with Jisoo and Jisoo didn't mind.She was just reading in her phone while Sana was close to her,enjoying her warmth.

"Jisoo unnie?"Sana called.Jisoo looked at her.


"Thank you for staying with me."Sana said.Jisoo smiled.

"That's nothing.You're my friend,you're my girlfriend's friend.So I'll stay as long as you need me."Sana smiled too.

"Let's have dinner,unnie.For sure the girls already prepared a dinner."



They just finished dinner,Jisoo tucked Sana at the bed.

"Aren't you sleeping with me?"Sana asked.

"No,I have to go home.My parents is waiting."

"Just call them please stay with me just for tonight,unnie."Sana said.


"Unnie please?"Jisoo sighed,can't resist Sana's cuteness.

"Fine.But I gotta get home when the morning comes.Alright?"Sana smiled widely.

"Okay,unnie!"Sana tapped her bed."Sleep beside me."

"I don't have pahamas.."Jisoo whispered.

"You can borrow mine.There at the closet."

"Ohh..okay."Jisoo changed to pajamas,then she laid next to Sana,and Sana immediately hugged Jisoo.Jisoo took out her phone to text her parents,then proceeded on texting her girlfriend.She was smiling,Sana can see that.She was so envious,she likes Jisoo a lot.I mean who wouldn't,right?

"Oh sh*t."Jisoo cursed when her phone turned off."Hey do you have a charger for a phone like mine?It died I didn't noticed."Jisoo said.

"Oh sorry,unnie.I think my charger won't fit yours."

"Can I just borrow your phone?So I can tell Mina that my phone had a problem."

"I don't know where is it."

"Aish."Jisoo sighed."Maybe I'll just tell her tomorrow.Good night,Sana chan."Jisoo said.

"Good night,Jisoo unnie."They both closed their eyes,but Jisoo got to sleep first.Sana opened her eyes and watch Jisoo sleep beside her.She traced Jisoo's nose down to her lips,watching how Jisoo's chest goes up and down as she breaths."How lucky Mina is to have you..I wish you were mine.."She said."I'm sorry,unnie."


Jisoo opened her eyes,waking up.She saw Sana,her face buried at her neck and her hands resting in her shoulder.She looks like her girlfriend, definitely.She gently put Sana back to the bed as she left her,replacing herself with a pillo.Then dressed up to her clothes yesterday.She walked outside of the room,then she saw the girls preparing brekfast.

"Good morning,unnie!Want some breakfast?"Momo greeted.

"No thanks,I need to go home now.Just tell Sana I already left."She said.

"Okay unnie!Take care."Jisoo left them,riding a taxi to go home.She reached their home,entering the house.

"Good morning,mom,dad."She greeted her parents,who was about to leave to go to work.

"Good morning,how's Sana?Is she feeling okay now?"Mrs.Kim asked.

"She's asleep when I left,mom.I told the girls to tell her that I left."

"Be careful,Jisoo.That might lead to something else.You know,Kims are such a chick magnet."Mr.Kim said.Jisoo chuckled.

"Dad,I never thought of that.I already have Mina,and I'm contented with her.About Sana,she's just a friend.Nothing more,nothing less."Mr.Kim patted her head.

"That's my daughter.Never follow Sooya's steps.Shes such a bad girl,you know.Shes selfish,wants all the girl in her hand."

"Dad don't say that.Shes your daughter."

"Just stating facts."

"We're gonna leave now,Jisoo.See you later."Mrs.Kim said as they kissed Jisoo goodbye,then they left.

"You know dad never like my kisses since I was a kid.He always refuses it.Remember when we're babies?I don't think you remember that.He just took your kisses,not mine."She heard a voice.She looked back,she saw Sooya.

"Hey twin.Dont mind dad,I know he doesn't meant it."Sooya chuckled.

"Don't worry,sis.I'm used to it.You heard it,he even compared me to you.I gotta go leave now.Tzuyu's waiting for me.Bye bye."Sooya said,tapping her shoulder as she walked away.

What have you gone through,Sooya?

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now