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After what Sunghoon said,Mina can't settle,what if Sunghoon's thoughts were true?She was the one who decided to let Jisoo be with Sana.She sighed,she changed her clothes and grab her car keys.She walked downstairs and went to her car,driving to the dorm.She knocked and Jeongyeon was the one to open the door.

"Oh hey Minari.I thought you won't stay here anymore and stay with your mom?"Jeongyeon asked.

"Well I want to get my things."Mina reasoned out.

"Oh yeah alright.Enter."Mina entered.

"Hey Mina!"The girls greeted.Her eyes wandered,not seeing Jisoo and Sana.

"Where's Jisoo and Sana?"She asked.

"At Sana's room."Nayeon said.

"Thank you."Mina walked to Sana's room and to her surprise,Sana and Jisoo was cuddling like girlfriends.Sana was so close to Jisoo,while Jisoo was on her phone while her other hand was holding Sana's hand.They were watching something on Jisoo's phone."Jisooyah."Mina called.Jisoo was shocked to see her,so she was quick to stand up and detach herself from Sana.

"It's Sana's request for cuddle."Jisoo said.Mina didn't speak,walking outside and Jisoo followed her.The girls just followed the couple with their eyes.There seems something between Jisoo and Mina right now.Not in a good way.They were finally outside the dorm.


Jisoo was shock from the slap she recieved from her girlfriend.

"What the hell,Mina?"

"What else did you do that I don't know,Jisoo?"Mina asked.

"What?Nothing! We're just cuddling because she was requesting it.Thats what you want me to do right?To help her."

"But she's acting like your girlfriend,Jisoo!"

"Why are you being angry?Aren't you the one who brought me here?You're the one who told me to stay with her even I don't want it!And you told me she's sick,right?That's why I'm doing my best to help!"Jisoo said angrily."How can you doubt me?You're the only girl I love,Mina!No one else!Do you think I'll cheat on you?Damn it!"Mina was awaken to Jisoo's words.She grabbed Jisoo's hands.

"I'm sorry,Jisoo.I was just..paranoid."Jisoo yanked Mina's hand away from hers.

"I'm leaving."She said,leaving Mina standing alone.


Jisoo was with Sooya in Sooya's room,she really needs someone to talk to.

"I can't understand it.I love her so much how can she think that I'll cheat on her?"Jisoo ranted.

"You know,if I was in her situation I'll be hurt too.I mean Sana was just a friend but she's acting like your girlfriend."

"I'm just helping her out since she was scared for her life."

"You know Mina was wrong in slapping you and doubting you.But you were wrong too."Sooya said.

"What?I did nothing wrong dude c'mon."

"Twin,she was already scared on loosing you.She needs assurance,not a walk out of yours.Now you scared her more.Don't you know how they think?It's like your first time in a relationship."

"It is."

"What?!"Sooya said dramatically."Damn Jisoo you're a newbie.Go apologize to her."

"I won't apologize to her.Its not even my fault.Thats a period."


"I was really overthinking.What if I totally loose her?"Mina said.

"No,Jisoo unnie loves you so much and that's pretty impossible."Momo said.

"I wasn't trusting her..I hate this."

"It's normal,Mina.Every relationship have its own struggles."Dahyun said.

"I'm sorry,Mina.I didn't meant to ruin your relationship."Sana said.

"No Sana don't apologize it's my fault.We'll be fixing this for sure.So don't worry about anything."Mina assured her.

"You should cool down first.Then talk to her few days later, you know."Jihyo said.

"Yeah.. probably."

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now