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Sooya wasn't in a good mood as she walked inside their house.After what she witnessed.Now she knows how the girls feel when she used all of them.Her parents were seating at the living room.

"Go down for dinner,Sooya."Her mother said but she just walked upstairs,walking to her room and locking herself up.

"That kid is so disrespectful."Mr.Kim said,shaking his head."I should teach that kid a lesson."Mr.Kim said and about to stood up when Mrs.Kim bd her hand.

"If she's in a bad mood let her be.I'll just talk to her."

"That's why that kid became like that.Youre always considering her."

"Shut up.C'mon let's eat.If she doesn't want to eat,bet she'll go down if she gets hungry let's go."Mrs.Kim said,leaving her husband.Sooya,on the other hand lay at her bed,just staring at the ceiling.

"The girl who made me happy and cared for me is now happy with someone else.I was so stupid to let her go."She said.



The next day she had breakfast with her parents and finally her father didn't bicker,maybe after Mrs.Kim scolded her.She went to her car and drove to the school.She parked her car then walked inside,but then someone spilled iced coffee on her shirt.

"Oh f*ck!"She cursed.She look at the guy and was about to tell him that it's fine when the guy was looking sharply at her."What's with the look?"

"You spilled my coffee!You wasted it!"The guy shouted.Sooya scoffed,can't believe.

"Are you stupid?You're the one who bumped in to me and mess with my shirt."

"What did you say?"The guy was about to punch Sooya when Mina came in.She was just walking to the room since she woke up late and didn't come with the girls,and it happened that she saw Sooya.After all Sooya have done to them,she's still concern with her.

"That's against the school rules."Mina stated.

"What do you care?Who are you,anyway?Her back up?Damn this girl maybe is weak.I don't consider girls here,she started the fight so get out."The guy said,pushing Mina away.Sooya's eyes widened,she never like it when girls gets hurt.

"You punk!"Sooya punched the guy causing him to fall,then she got her backpack off and slammed it at the guy's face.


"How does it feels to be slapped by a Dior bag, bitch?!"She shouted.Mina was stopping her.One thing the girls like about her?She's caring and she is overprotective.Soon a professor came,stopping the scene.

"Go back to your room,students.You three,follow me."Sooya sighed,as they followed the teacher.They went at the guidance office, seating at the table.

"What's the problem here,Miss Hwang?"The guidance counselor asked.

"We caught this two fighting.Then this girl was with them."The teacher elaborated.

"Are we high schoolers or something?Damn we don't need to be here."Sooya stated.

"Wait you're Miss Kim,right?The teacher?"

"No she's the new student.She just look exactly like Miss Kim."The teacher said.


"I'll call her father,Mr.Kim told me to call if this girl creates trouble."

"I don't care."Sooya mumbled."Sorry,Minari.I got you involved here."Sooya apologized.

"It's okay."Mina said."Ma'am that guy started it.I saw him,he was about to punch Sooya and she just protected herself."Mina explained.

"It isn't me!"The guy defended.

"Mr.Lee we both know that you've been here a lot of times."The guidance counselor stated.In a minute or less Sooya's father came,he's just about to go to his work when he got a call.

"What is this again,Sooya?"Her father said in a disappointed voice.Meanwhile,the girls were confused why Mina isn't there yet when Jisoo was there already.

"Can you ask her where is she?"Jisoo told the girls.She doesn't care about Sooya,but she do care a lot about Mina.

"I texted her.Wait she replied!"Nayeon said."Oh shoot."


"She's at the guidance with Sooya,I don't know why."

"Stay here I'll get there."Jisoo said,almost running just to get on the guidance office.She slowly opened the door,and there she saw a guy,Mina and Sooya.All eyes landed at her,and also Mr.Kim.

"J-Jisoo?"He spoke,recognizing the face of the lost twin of her daughter.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now