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"Thanks for helping me out,unnie.That girl is such a headache."Tzuyu said.

"You're welcome,Tzuyu."Jisoo said with a smile.

"Mind if I invite you to have dinner?Just a thank you."Tzuyu said,but then the girls came after realizing that Tzuyu wasn't with them.Seeing Jisoo and Tzuyu talking and smiling at each other isn't a very good sight for them.

"Hey Tzuyu!"Jihyo called.

"Let's go,sorry we're just few steps away from the dorm when we noticed that you weren't around."Nayeon said,grabbing Tzuyu's arm and pulling her away from Jisoo.

"We can just have dinner tomorrow unnie.Bye!"Tzuyu said.Jisoo smiled and waved goodbye to the girls.

"See you tomorrow."Jisoo went home,as the girls want back at the dorm.The girls all together had dinner.

"What took you so long and why Jisoo unnie and you were talking?"Mina asked.

"Sooya wants to talk to me so she blocked me,gosh if Jisoo unnie wasn't there for sure I don't know what to do."Tzuyu said.

"Jisoo unnie was admirable, really."Chaeyoung said, earning a look from the girls.

"I knew it you like her too and just denying."Dahyun said.

"I didn't deny it."Chaeyoung said back.

"So you like her too?"

"Why not?I mean we all have the right to like the person we want to like."She said.

"No not again."Jeongyeon said.

"Can we all promise not to be ruined for liking the same girl?I mean I don't want the past mistake we had to be repeated again."Momo said.

"I agree."Sana said.

"Yeah,of course that we'll never happen again."Nayeon said.

"For sure.Friendship over love."Mina said.

"You said that,we won't be like before again."


"Sooya announced walked in to their house,in a very bad mood.She really had love Tzuyu,the problem is,her friends encouraged her to cheat,like a bet or something.And that was her biggest regret.Loosing Tzuyu was the mistake she didn't do.She went to her room and got changed,and when the night came her and her parents ate together.

"How's first day?"Mrs.Kim asked.

"Annoying.Mom I want to get to another school.The girls were there.I..I don't want to bother them,then all hate me."She said with a better smile.


"You're not going anywhere,Kim Sooya.The semester started and it's hard to find another school for you.Go deal with the consequences of your stupidness.You need to face those girls you played with."Mr.Kim said.

"C'mon dad please!"

"No is a no.You stay there and don't do something dumb again because I'm so done with the troubles you have caused me.I don't want another shame,Sooya."

"Shame?Yep.I'm a shame in your eyes.Whatever I do is a shame.I'm sorry."Sooya said as she left her seat and walked to her room.Mr.Kim earned a poke in his forehead from his wife.

"Aww!"He whined.

"I'm finding a school for her and I'm telling you,please shut up."Mrs.Kim said,leaving Mr.Kim alone at the table.

"Damn it."


It's just a normal day for the girls,except that Sooya was around which is very annoying.They had started the class and luckily,Sooya wasn't at the mood to bother any of them.Finally,the classes were done.

"Go,girls.Leave first I'm not coming at the dorm early."Tzuyu said,and the girls left her.Sooya was outside and just a little far at the room,she was determined to talk to Tzuyu.Not to get her back,but to apologize this time."Unnie,let's go have dinner.I reserved us a restaurant."Tzuyu said.

"Okay."Jisoo said,as they walked outside together.Sooya saw that,so she followed them.

"Oh sh*t."Tzuyu cursed when the driver texted her that he can't make it for her father needs the car.

"Why?"Jisoo asked.

"The car isn't available damn."

"We can use the motorcycle if you want.Its available."Jisoo said.

"Yeah sure."They went to her motorcycle.Jisoo handed her the helmet.

"Use this."

"How about you?"

"I'll be fine."Tzuyu just nodded,wearing it.

"How to lock this thing?"She asked herself.Jisoo saw her struggle,she chuckled.She helped Tzuyu to lock it,their faces just few inches away from each other.Tzuyu stared at her.

"Done.Hop in."Jisoo ride the motorcycle,Tzuyu ride next.She held at Jisoo's shoulder."What kind of hold is that."Jisoo said,grabbing her hand and putting it at her waist."Hold tight."She said as she drove.Tzuyu blushed in an unknown reason,Sooya ride her car and followed them.Her father finally let her drive a car alone.They went to the restaurant with Tzuyu's guidance,then they went off.They walked inside,ordering food and talking.Sooya walked in too,seating at a far table and covering her face with the menu.

"Miss this table is reserved."The waiter told her.She took her wallet and placed a big amount of money at the table.

"Take it and let me sit here."She said.The waiter took it.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Nothing leave me alone."Sooya said,so the waiter followed her.Shes just watching Jisoo and Tzuyu laughed together,and it hurts her a lot."Why am I doing this?Aish."She said.After a while the couple left the table and again,she was following them.

"Unnie,the car's on the way you can go home."Tzuyu said.

"You sure?"


"Okay."Jisoo opened her motorcycle,then remembered the helmet that was in Tzuyu's hand since she asked her to hold it first.Tzuyu was about to kiss her in the cheek,when she faced her causing their lips to collide.

F*ck. Jisoo cursed in her mind.

"C-Can I get the helmet?"Jisoo asked.

"Y-Yeah."She took the helmet in Tzuyu's hand and immediately wore it.

"Bye!"Jisoo said as she drove away.

"Nice sight."Sooya said,rushing to her car as her tears fell.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now