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"Wait why are you so excited?"Jisoo asked,chuckling.The girls where pulling her to walk,they told her they'll show her something.

"Just walk fast,unnie!"Chaeyoung said excitedly.They came at the school's parking lot,a motorcycle was there.Chaeyoung handed her the key."That motorcycle is yours,unnie!"

"W-What?"Jisoo said,not expecting it.

"Yeah it's really yours."

"No you don't have to give this to me I'm fine."

"C'mon take it!You helped Jihyo,helped Nayeon on her studies and have been very patient to us."Chaeyoung said.

"No I'm really good I don't need this."

"Just accept it.Like a peace offering.Remember the first time we saw you?We hurted you.So that's a reconciliation."Jeongyeon said.

"If you insist."Jisoo said,grabbing the key from Chaeyoung's hand."Wait where's Mina?She's here earlier."Jisoo said.

"We didn't know.You know she's like flash."Nayeon said and they all laughed.

"Thank you for this,I really appreciate it."Jisoo said.They all smiled.

"You're welcome,unnie."


Jisoo was at her house,eating with her father while Mr.Kim was being fed by his care taker.Jisoo's phone rang.She answered it.

"Hello Jisoo?"

"Hey Seul whats up?"Jisoo said.

"Yeah are you available?I need to get this flowers delivered today but I can't call anyone they're all busy."

"Oh yeah of course!I'm on my way thank you!"She turned the call off as she stood up from her seat.Its her part time,like she's on call."That I'll leave,I have a part time job.See you later!"She left the house,she weren't using the motorcycle yet,she'll get it registered first.She went to the flower shop,where Seulgi is.

"Jisoo there you are.Thanks that you're available."Seulgi said.

"If it's money you know I'm always available."Jisoo said.Seulgi chuckled.

"Okay,okay.So here's the address,the flowers are at the car.You can do this alone?"

"Of course.Count it on me."

"I'll pay you tomorrow,after you get the car here since I'm closing already."Jisoo nodded.

"Copy."Jisoo got the key then went at the car,driving at a funeral home.She came there,she went at the trunk putting the flowers down."Mr.Myoui?"She said,analyzing the label.She just shrugged,carrying it inside.She was shocked when she saw Mina,sitting inside.Mrs.Myoui went to her.

"How may I help you?"She asked.

"Oh ma'am you got a flower delivery.Just sign here."Jisoo said,handing her a paper.Mrs.Myoui signed the papers.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."Jisoo took one last glance to Mina,before walking back at the car."Is that why she suddenly disappeared earlier?"She asked herself before driving away.


She went to school the next day,meeting the girls.

"Good morning,girls."She greeted as she went to her table.

"Good morning,unnie!"She looked around,seeing Mina's seat empty.

"Miss Myoui isn't going to class?"Jisoo asked.

"Yeah,her father died yesterday,so she's with her mom.Her brother isn't going home yet,he's still in Japan for a football game so she's the only one with her mom."Jihyo explained.

"It's okay."

"Nah,she texted me she's going to school.Just a little late."Sana said.

"My poor Mitang.Shes extremely close with her dad,since Uncle Myoui moved in Los Angeles just to watch over us."Dahyun said.

"She maybe devastated."Momo commented.

"Then do something to make her happy."Jisoo suggested.

"We don't know anything to make her smile at this state.When she's devastated or in distress,it's hard to make her happy."Chaeyoung said.

"Why don't you do it since it's your suggestion?"Jeongyeon said.

"If you don't know,how would I know it when we barely knew each other?"Jisoo said.

"At this point,I would pay anyone just to have her sweet smile."Tzuyu said.Jisoo's ears perked up.


"Yeah.Shes so important to me.We've all been friends since birth since our parents are friends too."

"So if I could make her smile or happy,you'll pay me?"Jisoo asked.

"You aren't serious."Nayeon said,laughing.

"No I'm serious."Jisoo said.

"Of course.50,000 won."Tzuyu said like it's nothing to her.

"I bet you can't.I'll get my 50,000 in too."Jeongyeon said.And they all ended up,having a bet.They all bet that Jisoo can't do it.

"Tell me her favorites and I'll successfully make her smile."Jisoo said,grinning.

Anything for money.Its 400,000.You can do it,Jisoo.Kaja!


The next day..

Everyone was at the room,including Mina.Her brother came last night,so she was able to go to school in time.The door opened,and everyone bursted out laughing seeing Jisoo's fit.Shes in a penguin mascot,she rented it.The girls doesn't know how Jisoo made it to school.

"Unnie what's that?HAHAHAHA!"She looked at Mina,and the girl was softly laughing.

"She's laughing!"Jisoo shouted pointing to Mina,even it's inaudible because of her fit.The girls looked at Mina and she was indeed laughing.Jisoo removed the head part of the mascot.

"You see that?HAHAHAHA easy four hundred thousand!"Jisoo said happily.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now