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"It's really you!"Mr.Kim exclaimed,hugging Jisoo tight.

"Sorry,Mister.Please let go of me.I'm here for my students and whatever personal issues you have we can talk about it later."Jisoo said,walking pass Mr.Kim as she walked to Mina."Hey are you okay?What happened?"

"I'm fine.Its just a petty fight."Mina said.They all settled down,as the guidance counselor started to talk about what had happened.

"Base on our records,Mr.Lee have been known for being a warfreak.Mr.Lee,you'll be suspended.As well as you Miss Kim,you'll be suspended for a week.Mr.Lee we'll discuss your case as grounds for expelsion,so we need you parents tomorrow."The guidance counselor said.

"So does the suspension starts now?"Sooya asked.


"All right."Sooya stood up, trying to wipe away the coffee in her shirt.

"Okay discussion dismissed."They all stood up,leaving the room.

"Let's go back to the room?"Jisoo told Mina.Mina nodded.They were about to leave when Jisoo noticed Mr.Kim scolding Sooya."Go first at the room.I'll follow."Jisoo told Mina as she walked to Mr.Kim and Sooya."Mr.Kim,stop shouting at her.The guidance counselor clearly told us that she wasn't the one who started it."Jisoo explained.

"I don't need your help get lost."Sooya told Jisoo.

"I'm sorry Jisoo but this girl is often acting like a bitch.Jisoo,can we talk?"

"We already is,Mr.Kim.And how did you know my name?"

"Because you're my daughter!"Mr.Kim said.

"Am I an audience in this drama?"Sooya asked.

"Let's go to a DNA center.So we can confirm this already.Your mom and I is missing you terribly."

"What?"Jisoo asked confusedly.

"This girl right here!She exactly looks like you because you're her identical twin!"

"Mr.Kim,if you want us to settle this down,we can do this later.I still have classes so with all due respect,I need to go now."Jisoo said,leaving them.

"Ohh..that's harsh."Sooya said.

"Shut up.Go at home,you are suspended for a week right?"

"Oh yeah.Ba bye.Go try to convince your daughter."Sooya said as she walked away,leaving her father.

"Aish.Shes a damn brat.Don't worry,Jisoo.Soon you'll know who's family you are belong."Mr.Kim said as he left too.


Jisoo just finished the classes.

"Good bye girls,see you tomorrow."Jisoo said.

"Bye unnie!"The girls told her as they left the room.Jisoo closed the door as she walked to her motorcycle,but then  someone grabbed her arm.

"Oh sh*t!"Jisoo cursed,thinking someone wants to kidnap her so she punched him,straight on his nose.

"Aww!"Mr.Kim whined.

"Oh sorry!I didn't mean it.Youre like appearing somewhere.Are you a fungus or something?"

"I told you we need to talk aww that really hurts."

"You're nose is bleeding here!"Jisoo immediately gave him a handkerchief."I'm really sorry Mr.Kim I just didn't expect that."

"It's okay,I just really wanna talk.Please come with me and have dinner with the family."Jisoo sighed.

"Fine."She agreed since she's guilty on what she've done on Mr.Kim.

"Let's go to my car."

"What about my motorcycle?"

"Just leave it there c'mon."

"Fine."She went inside Mr.Kim's car,she trusted him since he's Sooya's father.It was an awkward ride and after they came at the mansion."Woah.."Jisoo mumbled as she went in the beautiful house.She tried hard to remember something,and seems like a memory flashed in her mind,it seems to be familiar to her.

"I told my wife,she wants to see you.Lets go."They walked inside,they found Mrs.Kim sitting at the living room."Honey,Jisoo's here."He said.Mrs.Kim stood up,and she cried as she saw Jisoo.She immediately hug her.

"J-Jisoo..my daughter.."She whispered,hugging Jisoo tighter.

"Uhm..care to explain?Because I'm so confused right now."Jisoo asked.

"Oh yeah right.Sorry."They settled at the couch.

"So..uhm..tell me anything."

"Well years ago you've been kidnapped,in Gyeonsangnam-do while we're having a vacation.Luckily your father got Sooya,but he didn't got to save you."Jisoo nodded,seems it's matching with her adoptive parents having a farm at Gyeonsangnam-do."Maybe the kidnappers lost you,but then they still asked money for us and it's a scam.We didn't got to see you again."Mrs.Kim explained.

"Okay so..did you try to find me?"

"Of course!You had an ID before.So if something happens they'll find you.Your name is there,Kim Jisoo.All the information is there.Whats confusing is the person who found you didn't give you back to us.How have you been?"Mr.Kim asked.

"I've been good.Theres a barren couple who got me and took care of me.So it makes sense that they didn't give me back because they want to have a daughter."Jisoo said.

"That's it!You're really our daughter!"

"We should get a DNA,for assurance."Jisoo said,even she's also pretty sure that it's her family.She sighed.

Another sudden turn of events.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now