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"Can't believe that girl.She literally tied me up at that chair!"Jeongyeon complained,seating at the couch when she got back at the dorm.The girls were doing the assignments Jisoo have given them.

"Aish I hate math."Momo said.

"That's easy Moguri."Mina said,approaching Momo.

"So you're literally ignoring my existence."Jeongyeon said.

"No we're not.Just kidding!"Chaeyoung said as she sat next to Jeongyeon.

"Are you even serious that our teacher tied you up at a chair?"Dahyun said.

"Serious!Look!It even marked my feet!I wanna smash her face!"Jeongyeon said,the girls laughing at her actions."Yah I'm serious!"

"Do that and Auntie and Uncle Yoo will definitely punish you."Jihyo said.


"Dad told me that she directly reports in our parents,making sure that what happened last year won't happen again and that we're not being fake in front of them."Jihyo explained.

"That doesn't change the fact that I hate our teacher so much."

"Hey she's not bad.Shes a good person."Sana blurted out,gaining all the girls'attention.

"What did you just said?"Tzuyu said.

"She's..she's a good person.Jisoo unnie is not like what you think she is.Shes far from five letter name."Sana said."Hey don't give me that look."

"Sanake is falling~"Dahyun sang.

"No I'm not!"

"Oh yeah you're not in love to our teacher AKA your 'Jisoo unnie'."Momo mocked.

"Yah don't tease me!"

"Be careful not to fall."Tzuyu warned.

"No she's literally just a friend.Nothing more,nothing less."

"You say.Lets see."Nayeon said,as the girls teased her again.


The next day..

They're all in class,listening to Jisoo.Shes a great teacher,and an very effective one.

"Okay now that we already finished lesson 1, we'll have a short quiz.I want you all to show your formulas,so I know where your answer would come from."Jisoo said,before seating at the table."You all can ask me if there's something you don't understand."She added.Everyone started to do their task,but Jisoo noticed that someone isn't starting yet and looks so confused.Nayeon.

"Where the hell this she got this again?Oh my god this is so stressful."She says.Jisoo stood up,walking to her seat.Nayeon seems not to notice her existence,so she leaned in closer,examining Nayeon's paper.Nayeon feeling someone's staring at her,she looked back.Seeing Jisoo's face just inches away from her."AHHH!"She shouted,gaining the girls' attention.They gathered to her,starting to hurt her again.

"My instincts are true your not good!"

"What did you do to Nayeon?!"

"You punk!"

"YAH!"She shouted loudly,making the girls stop."I'm not doing anything to her what's with you all?!I was just looking at her paper because she ain't starting yet!"She stood up,holding her head.They hit the damaged part in her head."Why are you all so brutal?"

"Is that true,Nayeon?"Jeongyeon asked.Nayeon nodded.

"I was just shocked."

"You see?I'm not doing anything wrong.Go back to your activities,I'll help her."They all felt embarrassed,so they followed Jisoo.Jisoo walked to Nayeon's table."Now what can't you understand?"Jisoo asked.

"Th-This."Nayeon said,pointing at a formula.

"Okay this is how this works."Jisoo got the pen,and started to write at the paper,explaining to Nayeon.Nayeon was occasionally glancing at her.

She's really different.Nayeon thought.


Break time.

Jisoo was at the cafeteria,she forgot to prepare food for herself this morning so she just went here.She usually packs her own food,to avoid unnecessary expenses.She sat at a table alone after getting her order,and the girls have seen her .

"Isn't that Miss Kim?"Dahyun said,pointing at Jisoo who was seating alone.

"Let's approach her."Sana said.

"What?What is she,gold?"Tzuyu said.

"Remember you all suddenly attacked her.Apologize."Nayeon said.

"It's your fault!"Jeongyeon argued.

"She shocked me and I didn't told you to hurt her!"Nayeon complained.

"Yeah I think we should apologize.Besides we aren't apologizing yet the first time we met her."Chaeyoung said.

"C'mon,guys.I think she deserves our apology."Jihyo said.So they all went to Jisoo's table, seating at the long table with her.

"Hi Jisoo unnie."Sana greeted.

"Hey Sana-chan."

"Uhm..uhh..we apologize for what we did earlier,we didn't meant it.We're just protecting our Nabong."Dahyun said.Jisoo smiled.A one sweet smile.

"It's okay,I understand.Thats how friendship works."

"Don't you have your own friends?"Sana asked curiously.

"I have,but they're all overseas now."Jisoo said.

"We can be your friend!"Nayeon said happily.

"Sure.I'd love that.You can just call me Jisoo unnie.Like you're all just around my age.I'm a year older,I think."Jisoo said.As the girls were convinced she's a good person,except Mina,Jeongyeon and Tzuyu.Theyre not as pleased as the other girls.

"I can't stay long here."Tzuyu said,walking away.

"What's wrong with her?"Jisoo asked Dahyun.

"It's..a private thing."Dahyun said.Jisoo just nodded.



"You won't go with us?"Jihyo said as Mina have told the girls that they should go first.

"I need to talk to someone,see you at the dorm."

"Okay."The eight girls left the room,Mina was last.After being assured that the girls left already,she went to the faculty to see Jisoo.

"Uhm where is Miss Kim?"She asked the first teacher she saw.

"There.Miss Kim!Someone's calling you!"Jisoo looked,she had her eyeglasses on,for anti UV ray purposes when she's using computer.

"Wait!"She stood up,walking at the door to see Mina."Miss Myoui.What are you doing here?"

"Let's talk,Miss Kim."They walked outside.

"Now what will you tell me?"

"You're making the girls fall in love,don't you?"Mina said,straight to the point.

"What are you saying,Miss Myoui?I'm being nice to them because I'm their teacher.I'm not planning to have a relationship with anyone of them."Jisoo walked closer,Mina took steps back.They keep repeating it until Mina was left with the wall,so she was cornered.Jisoo leaned closer."Miss Myoui,it's against my will as I teacher.And if you're not believing me.."Jisoo leaned closer to Mina's ear."I.DON'T.CARE."Jisoo said before walking back to the faculty.Meanwhile Mina,was left with her heart beating incredibly fast.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now