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Jisoo came at the dorm today,to visit Sana.She isn't talking to Mina,she was still angry.

"Hey Sana ssi."Jisoo greeted as she walked in on Sana's room.Sana was busy on her phone.

"Hey Jisoo unnie.Did you talk to Mina already?"Jisoo sat next to her.

"Here I bought you donuts.If it's good for you."Jisoo said,avoiding the question.Sana understood it.

"Oh yeah I love donuts."They got one for each other,and started eating.

"Sana,when will you go at your doctor?I mean I'm not rushing you but isn't there's an annual check up for this?"Jisoo asked.

"Oh yeah..yeah.Actually I have a private doctor to visit me.Wait I'll just call her up.I thunk she forgot."Sana said,laughing awkwardly and Jisoo didn't mind.

"Hey Sana you have a visitor.Miyeon??Is that the name?"Jihyo said as she walked in.

"Oh yeah let her in.Shes my doctor."So the girl walked in.

"Annyeong.Can you leave us for a while?"

"Okay."Jisoo and Jihyo left,they walked outside as they settled at the living room.

"Jisoo unnie."Jihyo called her.Jisoo looked at her.


"I think you better visit Mina.She wants to say sorry but you're declining her calls."

"Then why don't she talk to me physically?Is it that hard to say sorry?"Jisoo said.

"Unnie,you know Mina.She admits her mistakes but she feels shy or scared on what your reaction will be once she apologized.C'mon unnie.We both know that nothing will happen in this state of your relationship."Jihyo spoke.

"Speaking like a professional,huh."Jihyo chuckled.

"Unnie,you know Momo and I have fight some times.We're not even in a relationship yet but we always fight.But you know what's my assurance on this on and off relationship?"Jihyo said.


"Understanding,forgiveness,trust and love.Maybe Mina had lack on the trust part,but you know she didn't meant it.That was her first time seeing you with another girl that intimate and it's her first relationship you can't blame her."Jihyo said.Jisoo nodded.

"Fine.I'll go to her later."Jisoo finally said.Momo,who was passing by the living room and going at the kitchen saw the scene,so she immediately went there,interrupting Jisoo and Jihyo's conversation and seating between them.

"You already have Mina.This korean is mine.Mine only!"Momo stated.They both laughed.

"Yours but you didn't even asked her to be your girlfriend."Jisoo said as she stood up.She just waited outside Sana's room,the door finally opened."Hey how's Sana?"She asked.

"She's good,as of now.Just take care of her well,don't stress her out.We don't know when can we held the operation,and it's not a hundred percent sure of survival.I'll check what I can do in her situation."Jisoo just nodded."I'm leaving now."Jisoo walked inside.

"Sana,I'll be here as long as you need me.Okay?"Sana smiled.

"Thank you,unnie."


Jisoo drive to Myouis' place after she had gone to the girls' dorm,she listened to Jihyo's words.She drove in and she was all welcomed,finally she parked.She sighed,grabbing the bouquet of flowers at the back seat which she bought before going here.

"You can do this,Jisoo."It's their first major fight,so Jisoo wasn't used to it.She walked in,Sunghoon was the first one to see her.

"Hi noona."

"Hi.Wheres Mina?"

"She's upstairs,at her room.You can go there.She actually didn't come out yet,good thing you came."Sunghoon said.

"Thank you."She walked upstairs,to Mina's room.She knocked."Minari..it's Jisoo.Please open the door."She spoke.Just in a moment,the door opened."Hey Mi-"She was cut off by Mina's hug,and the girl was visibly crying.

"Jisoo..please don't leave me.I'm so sorry.Don't leave me,please?"

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now