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"Any other person you know that looks like me?"Sooya asked.

"I-I'm sorry."Tzuyu was about to walk away when Sooya grabbed her arm.

"Tzuyu,talk to me.I..I haven't talk to you since the last time without any proper closure,so please let's talk."Tzuyu scoffed.

"No way,Sooya.I won't believe in your lies again."

"Tzuyu I'm really,really sorry.I mean it.The moment you're gone in my life I realized my lost and..I want to be with you again.I love you so much and cheating on you is my biggest regret."Sooya said sincerely,but in exchange she get a big slap from Tzuyu.

"Don't you understand that I don't like you around?I don't care if you're lying or not,I don't want to hear it."Tzuyu said,walking away from her.

"That's a big one."Sooya said,she just decided to give Tzuyu space,after what she have done she have no right to speak,anyway.Tzuyu on the other hand came at the room,seating in her seat.She was in a very bad mood that the girls noticed.

"Hey what's wrong?You seems pissed off."Sana said.

"I am.Sooya is here."Tzuyu stated.

"What?!That punk?!"Jeongyeon reacted.

"Yeah.I hate it."Tzuyu said.Soon Jisoo walked in.

"Good morning girls."

"Good morning unnie."They greeted.

"Anyways the school asked us to add a student at this class since she was at the same course as yours,so please welcome her."Jisoo said.

"Sure thing,Jisoo unnie."One of the coordinators came,with the new student.

"Miss Kim,the new student is here."

"Let her in."The girl entered,and the girls gasped in shock.No other than Kim Sooya,the girl they hate.Jisoo was startled too,she's like mirroring herself.

"I'm Kim Sooya,I think you all know me already."Sooya said.She turned to Jisoo,and she was also in shock,seeing Jisoo who was exactly like her.Jisoo cleared her throat to ease the awkwardness.

"Miss Kim you can sit beside Sana."Jisoo said.They have no choice,there's only five tables and the only vacant was beside Sana.

"Thank you,Miss Kim."Sooya said,walking to Sana's table and seating with her.Sana moved a little away from Sooya,she doesn't like her around.Of course,no one will like her.Jisoo started the lesson, occasionally glancing to Sooya's direction.What a coincidence,right?"Uhm Sana,do you know how to do this part?"Sooya asked Sana.

"Do it alone."Sana said,pissed off.Jisoo noticed Sooya who keeps bothering Sana.She was pissed off too in an unknown reason.

"Miss Kim Sooya any questions?"Jisoo asked in a little loud voice.


"I have seen you asking Miss Minatozaki,I think I can help you with that."Jisoo said,walking to their table and Sana could only mumble thank you to Jisoo,who saved her from Sooya.


"Class dismissed."Jisoo announced as the last period was done.

"Yey!"The girls stood up,leaving the room.Jisoo was left fixing her things.Sooya,waited for Tzuyu to got off her seat outside the room,since Tzuyu was always the last student to leave.Tzuyu stood up and left the room but then Sooya grabbed her hand,dragging her at a side.The other girls didn't notice that Tzuyu wasn't following them,since they were talking while walking.

"Tzuyu please talk to me."She said in a desperate tone.

"Sooya let go of me.We have nothing to talk about and I don't want to listen to your stupid excuses."Tzuyu said.

"I won't let you go unless you talk to me."

"Let her go, Miss Kim."They both looked at the one who spoke,it's Jisoo.

"You have no right to tell me what to do,it's off class and this is none of your business."Sooya said.

"It is.She is my student and also my friend,so this is my business."Jisoo said,grabbing the hand of Tzuyu."Let her go and we'll leave."Jisoo said.

"Aniya.You leave and we'll talk."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I hate you and I don't want you around?Let me go,Sooya.We're done so leave.Youre just making me hate you more."Tzuyu stated.

"See,Miss Kim?Now leave."Jisoo said.Sooya was so pissed off,so she let go of Tzuyu.

"Fine.But I'll win you back,Tzuyu.Mark my words."Sooya said,walking away.

You're mine,Chou Tzuyu.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now