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When you came back to sense again, you found yourself shackled into a chair, in a very small and dusty room which looked like a sort of old, grey, mouldy office. You were no more gagged, and also the hoodie had disappeared.

Blinking hard, you surveyed the surroundings in search for any potential clue: apart for a dated desk with a black leather chair in front of you, and few shelters with old books, nothing looked familiar. Outside the small dirty window, few flock of snow were gently falling onto the ground, standing out from a plain grey sky; a wide meadow covered in ice ended into a frost pine tree forest. At least that made clear you were no more in New York.

When you finally looked down to check what was causing the unpleasant sensation you were feeling, you let out a curse in finding out you had a long, deep cut running over your calf. You hadn't healed yourself yet. And that was a bad thing. You quickly took inventory of the other injuries: apart for the cut, uncountable bruises were popping up from the skin of your legs and forearms, and both your knees were grazed.

You jumped when door shrieked open behind your shoulders, heart suddenly pounding in your ears. A man entered the room, rounded your spot and went to seat behind the desk in front of you. You could have recognized that face in the middle of a crowd: he was the man who had come to the Lab at the Hospital back in times and tailed you down for weeks when you used to work and be a researcher there.

"Welcome to HYDRA, Dr. Y/L/N." The man spoke with a silky thus rather dark voice that made your stomach twitch.

"You!!! What do you want from me?!" You yelled out, snapping angrily and squirming on your chair. Thus, the shackles caused you a pitch of pain around your wrists and you had to loose the grip.

"Oh, we will lead you through the project very soon. There is no rush, for you are not going anywhere" he let out a cackle that echoed in the small room. "I have no intention to serve any of your foolish projects!!!" You glowered at him, casting your most sharp 'if a look could kill' glare, staring in that dark, soulless eyes of him, enjoying the disappointment flushing his face.

He stood up, clockwise paced around the desk and leant against its edge, opening his arms wide "You're at home now: this is the place where you were supposed to stay since long time." He laughed again at your scared and outraged expression.

"This base is well protected, and far away from undesired eyes. Plus, we took precautions: the preciuos necklace you are wearing is not a common silverpiece..." He pointed at you and you instinctively looked down: the collar the two filthy men had locked around your neck was still in place. "Like it? One of my greatest inventions! That's brings your powers, so you can't teleport or do any of the silly magical tricks of yours. Or bother to try to get in contact with those American freaks you had to live with since now."

"Oh but they will come! And you will lose against them!!" "We are ready to welcome them, if ever the time will come" The man snorted and sneered at your useless yelling.

"Baron, we are ready" you hear a familiar voice calling from behind you, most probably from the doorstep. He was the same voice that had cried for help down the alleyway.

'Baron?' He must have been Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, one of the notorious heads of HYDRA. His SHIELD dossier was one of the richest and Steve had spent more than one week to walk you through it.

"Come, my dear, you'll work for us from now on. And you will behave enough, you will not die before seeing the HYDRA rising again."


Two guards jostled you down a long corridor, following the supremacy pompous back of Strucker, who opened the door at the far end of it and you were shoved into a huge and rather dark room.

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