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You were walking toward the way to the dinner hand-in-hand with Loki, the widest grin plastered on his face as you couldn't help to admire how perfectly the ring had settled on your finger, giggling like a silly little girl.

A train of dreamy thoughts had dragged you away and failing to put them in order, you had slipped that question as first, midway to the long corridor, your cheeks blushing a little.

"My sweetheart, I wished to ask for your hand a year ago already, but things let us on a different path... Anyhow, I think I can remediate if you wish for it! Do you mind waiting for me here, just for a second...?" he told you excitedly, and a little bit nervous, amusement and mischief flashing across his gaze.

Your left brow arched, but he didn't let you time to ask anything. Still, you knew him enough to feel he was up to something big and the wink he gave you once he left your hand and slipped into the double door of the ballroom where the dinner was supposed to be set just increased your suspects.

A shiver run down your spine as a light bulb eventually flashed in your brain and his last words clicked in.

Wait... what?! He couldn't have...

It was just when Thor poke his blond head out from the same door just a moment later and slipped outside of it dressed in a perfect three-piece suit, with a marvelous bouquet of white roses in his hand, that you understood what was about to happen, and the reality hit you hard.

Even if you didn't believe it.

"Surprise!" Thor gleefully smiled at you, stifling a laugh at your shocked face.

You stared at him out of breath, heart pounding in your throat, your entire body shaking from head to toe. Opening your mouth to try to say something, you found yourself in a complete loss of words. As you wiped away the single rebel tear that slipped out the corner of your eye, you just smiled wide and shook your head at him in happy resignation.

"Oh, no tears, Y/N" Thor told you warmly, brushing lightly your cheek, overjoy glittering in his eyes. You flushed to hug him thigh, and he gladly hugged you back.

He hold you closer for a long moment, giving you time to pull yourself together just enough, and then pulled apart and look down at you in the most lovely way. He handed out the bouquet but you had to steel yourself and quiet the whirlwind of thoughts that were going into your mind before shakily taking it.

"Oh, right, just another thing..." Thor reminded himself as he pulled out a sparkling thing from his pocket and settled it lightly on the top of your head: it was a small, elegant tiara matching perfectly your dress and your ring.

That trickster of your boyfriend didn't miss the minimum detail, as always.


Thor asked, smiling like no tomorrow, offering his arm for formal escort and placing his other hand on one of the doorknobs. You swallowed hard, gripped his arm, clutched the bouquet harder in the other hand and took a huge breath in before nodding at him.

The double door went open, and as you took the first step into the ballroom, Thor strong at your side, your eyes widened in awestruck at the saw of the venue, your knees going weak with emotions.

Everything looked well beyond something out a fairytale.

Few lines of white chairs, each of them bearing a small delicate bouquet of flowers on the armrest, had been set at the sides of a short aisle covered in petals, ending under a stunning arc of white peonies and roses, which looked exactly the same ones you loved so much in your favourite asgardian garden. A multitude of glass lanterns and white candles was lighting up the place, and plenty of them had be magicked to float in midair. You came back to senses from that amazing view only because a string quartet started to play a perfect, romantic melody that filled the air and made your view blur for a moment.

Soul Healer (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now