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A gigantic, terrifying spaceship was standing out against a cauldron-black sky, towering above the entire city of London.

The Ark had teared up roading and slicing through the ground, pushing aside and crashing cars and buildings as people had fled for their lives, screams of fear echoing down along the streets, as a hoard of Dark Elf soldiers had emerged from it and had started to disseminate panic and fear.

The Avengers had arrived at the site and made sure civilians were out of the way before the victim count hit a sickening number. A turbulent battle had erupted, as the entire Avengers team flanked the SHIELD's army to confront the invaders. Although they were able to take down many of the hostiles, the armies were outnumbered and overrun by the Elves, who were greatly invading the city's streets, spreading death and demolition around.

Steve had just managed to avoid a vicious attack and rise to stand on his feet looking afraid and anguished at the raging fight before his eyes, when, at a sudden, a gash of radiant, rainbow light beamed down from the sky right into the center of the battlefield, scattering the Elf soldiers around. That would have been a perfect moment for a very dramatic anathema playing in the background.

Mjolnir emerged from the Bifrost Bridge at first, cutting swaths through the enemies before flushing back in the palm of his owner.

"Hey! Point Break is back!"

Iron man's voice went on the earpieces of the team as if the blinding, shimmering rainbow was not self-explanatory.

To the astonishment and delight of the Avengers and the defending army, relentlessly charged by the alien forces, Thor stepped out of the cone of light and jumped straight into the battlefield, using his hammer to single-handedly destroy a large element of the elves in a single lightning-charged slam.

"And I am not alone!"

Thor shouted out while joining the fray.

The rainbow light completely faded off, revealing you and Loki in all your glory: standing back-to-back in the middle of the run-marked burning circle, arms folded over your chests and wearing matching Asgardian armors, his green cape sweeping in the air together with your flowing quadruple braid, you had wide, evil identical grins plastered on your faces.

"Loki! Y/N!"

A yelp of surprise shot in sync from all corners, as each of your friends realized you had just landed to help.

"Avengers!!! Assemble!!!"

Steve shouted a loud battle cry to you all, and with renovated spirit incited to charge against the enemy's army, running across the very middle of the battle with his round shield clutched to his side and narrowly missing the laser-fire of two pursuing Dark Elves.

You turned to share a look of determination with Loki, and he nodded back. "My dearest, it's time to show these mortals how we do win a battle!" He supplied triumphantly, flipping a couple of daggers in his hands, turning around, and jumping excitedly into the fray.

Stepping back and balancing your weight on your left foot, you powered up and threw instantly a couple of bolts of magic to take down two approaching Elves, before summoning two fiery and sparkling white and golden light-based rings around each of your wrists and using them to cast a powerful spell to subdue a Frost Beast which was charging menacingly from your right.

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