welcome to the castle

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・✫・゜・。. Authors note .・✫・゜・。.
Hey! As a heads up this story will NOT be appropriate for all audiences only keep reading if you are fine with that! This is my first Fanfic and I'm going to try and avoid the cheesy stuff! Enjoy!
.・✫・゜・。..・✫・゜・。..・✫・゜・。. . • * ° .

I sat alone staring at the stone walls of my prison cell. Everywhere I looked I saw torture and blood, I figured I was next in line. I heard rumour that the lady was going to turn all the mistress's of the village into wine.

*the sound of loud steps echoed from afar you could hear that she was coming all of a sudden the voice of someone rang through the halls*

"Hello my dear..." you recognized the voice and your heart fell into your stomach you felt as though you were next. Finally she was in front of you and you quickly turned to meet her yellow burning eyes. You could see her fanged smile looking down on you.

She unlocked the prison cell and walked in taking up the entire space. You can feel her hand wrap around your neck as she picks you up to her eye level. She stares into you deeply. You try to avoid her gaze and that's when she digs her nail into your cheek a little.

"Dear, don't look away, that's rather rude, I would think you would have better manners. " she says sternly yet a little playful. You quickly turn to meet her burning gaze trying to avoid pulling away. In an instant she pulls you closer to her and sticks her fangs into your neck. You can feel her grip loosen.

You make a quiet wine, one that goes noticed and she sets you back down to your feet. And wipes the blood off her mouth. "You taste delightful dear, so delightful in fact I think you should become one of my servants. "

You now on the ground look up at her and try to hold back your tears and mask your fear. " as you wish madam. " she smiles at you, grabs your wrists and pulls you out of the cellar. After a couple minutes of walking you reach her chambers where she ducked and walked through the door before you and guided you in.

"You need to change my dear, those rags simply won't do. " she said, staring with what looked like disgust at your torn dress. She then called for another servant to take you to the bath. She followed. And watched as they tore your clothes off and warmed the bath. "Would you like us to wash her ma'am".

She shook her head no. " I can do it dears, now please leave us be, I've got this under control. " she said pointing towards the door. You remembered how she had drawn the blood from your throat earlier and you began to panic not knowing if she was going to take your last breath.

You catch her looking you up and down. Looking at all of your curves and areas that are supposed to be hidden. She then mumbles to herself "so unique and delightful. " she got closer and pulled up the sleeves of her dress and took off her leather gloves. There is where you saw her long sharp nails that were typically hidden. Not as long as the ones that you had seen her slice someone in half with.

"Your nails are so sharp-" you say forgetting who you were talking to for a moment and immediately quiten yourself. "Yes indeed they are, sharp enough to gouge your eyes out and slice you to ribbons" she said chuckling and then grabbed some soap and started to rub your shoulders. Her touch was warm yet at the same time cold.

This was your first time seeing a woman so massive but she was strikingly beautiful. She may have been a monster but you couldn't help but study her beauty. How could you not? She notices your stares " what are you looking at? Is there something wrong? " she said sternly gripping your shoulders and clenching her hands to where her nails started to Pierce through your skin.

In an instance she licked up what blood started to trail down your arm. " my apologies, I wouldn't want to waste any of you. " she said, smirking while licking up the blood that had trailed down your arm up to the wound and quickly cleaned it with water.

You could feel her hot breath as she walked behind you and started to rub the soap in all the way down your sides and back up again. Finally reaching your chest where she dripped the soap and slowly rubbed it in. You could feel your body start to get warm and your face get hot. Once again she noticed.

She giggled " has a woman never touched you before. Or a man? " you shake your head no, a little embarrassed. "Oh, well then I guess I should be gentle." She said cleaning your entire body. Once done you get out of the bath where a new dress layed. "Is this for me? " you say a little shocked and still a little flustered from the bath.

"Yes dear, in order to work in my castle you must look the best and that includes a proper dress for a proper girl,'' she said, holding the gown to where you could step into it. She then tightened the corset around your waist and stepped back. " perfect." She grabs your wrist and takes you to another room back near the main Hall where what looked like a guest room.

" this will be your room from now on, you may rest here or just get situated till dinner where I will have you meet my daughters as well as prepare our feast for us." She said with what looked like a sinister smile. You started to feel anxious again at the sight of it. But instead smiled back and sat on the bed. She left the room and you could hear her walk down the stairs. Her heels were loudly going down the stairs.

You felt yourself get hot again thinking about the way you felt her hands in the bathtub. How they touched you and how it felt. You let yourself think about it and then helped yourself to lonely time until it was time for dinner when you heard the lady from downstairs call out your name.

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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