Asleep next to you.

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

Poor Alcina :(

She laid back on the bed looking up into your hungry eyes. You looked at her like she was your prey. She smirked at the sight of that look. You forced your fingers in her mouth and she licked them with her soft tongue. Her tongue danced around your fingers. You pulled them out and put them back down to her pelvis. You slowly inserted your fingers. One after the other.

Until finally there were 4 in her. You felt her breathing become heavy and her heart quicken. You could feel her excitement underneath you.

You looked up into her ravenous eyes and smiled. " aren't you just begging for it my love? " you said batting your eyelashes at her. She rolled her eyes and attempted to move up. But then your fingers started to move. Her body fell back down onto the bed. And her feet curled and her back arched.

At first you were slow. But then you started to quicken her movements. Forcing her legs to shake and her body to become more tense. You wrapped your legs around d her thigh and began to move your hips on top of her. And she looked at you with a curious smile. But you didn't stop. Rather you leaned down and licked her inner thigh. Her breathing once again became deeper and bigger breaths. You slowly licked both of her inner thighs. Slowly making your way to the center.

When you finally did. You felt her thighs start to wrap around your head. You felt the intense pressure start to build. You could tell with all her might she was trying to keep her legs open but she just couldn't. If she would have given up you would be crushed by now.

You slowly licked her up and down. And then your tongue went in and out. You still moved your hand within her. You moved your hand to her stomach. And slowly moved it up to her chest. There you fondled her breasts roughly. She let out louder moans. And her legs began to close more. You smirked as her thighs started to convulse and her breathing quickened.

Until finally she released like a water fall. It didn't stop she just kept shaking. Now panting on her bed. You laid down now soaking wet beside her. She looked over to you and smirked. She kissed your lips and smiled. " you didn't think you could get away with just fucking me did you? " she said moving your hair out of your face. She slowly got up. Her body still shaking little.

She got on top of you crawled up to your face. Towering over you. You smiled watching her lean down and kiss you. She got close to your ear until you could feel her hot breath tickling it. " now your turn my love" she whispered sweetly into your ear. You looked at her with a grin. She smirked and slowly leaned down to your ear again to lick it. It made you giggle.

" mmm" she moaned " I love your laugh so much. " she said biting your ear lightly. You rolled your eyes. And rolled to your side. She grabbed your waist and forced you back down onto your back. She leaned down and licked your stomach trailing all the way up to your breasts. With one hand she fondled one. With the other she licked it. And her other hand she had beside you on the bed to balance herself.

Her hands were so big next to you. You wrapped your hand around it as she became more rough. And you let out a quiet moan. She giggled. " I love your moans too. " she said gently biting your nipple. You looked away from her your face getting hot. " look at me dear. " you squeezed your eyes shut and then looked down at her. Her big yellow yes looked up at you.

" I want you to see what I'm doing to you. Watch as I fuck you. " she said grinning widely. Your heart began to beat quicker and your whole body became tense. She moved one of her hands down to your pelvis. " haha! So you liked me saying that huh. " she said lightly licking your inner thigh. You shook your head. " W-what do you mean? " you said trying to keep a stern voice. " this is what I mean. " she said licking you.

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