Her model

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

A sight for sore eyes. A beautiful sight that she wanted to escape in. And so she did. 😏


You found yourself waking up in the ladies arms. Her not wanting to let you go. You smiled warmly realizing you were in the same position you found yourself falling asleep in. It made you giggle quietly.

You snuggled up closer to her waiting on her to wake up

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You snuggled up closer to her waiting on her to wake up. After about half an hour you felt her heartbeat quicken under you. You could tell she was awake. You looked up into her eyes and she looked down into yours. " oh I'm sorry dear. I didnt mean to wake you. " she said looking down at you. A smile across her face. You giggled " you didnt wake me up. In fact I was awake before you. " you said lifting your hand to caress her cheek. She happily took it.

She nuzzled her face into your hair. It seemed to comfort her everytime she would do it. So you just let it happen, not that it bothered you anyway.

Her golden eyes sleepily looking down at you. " are you still tired my love? " you said with a concerned expression. She chuckled. " No dear, I'm fine. Infact I slept very well. Much better than that vanity. " she said with a giggle. You found yourself laughing with her.

" alright dear we need to get up. Find me in the library after breakfast will you? " she said kissing your forehead. " as you wish mad'am you said with a hint of deviousy. " you can go back to being a normal maid if you wish. " she said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes. " as if I would ever go back to that. " you said kissing her cheek. " well then learn how to address me. " she said pinching your cheek.

"Ow! " you put your hand on your cheek and furrowed your brow. She leaned back and giggled. " alright, alright let's get dressed! " she said moving you off of her. You looked to the side. " oh boo-hoo you can't just stay in bed all day my dear. Especially whenever I'm underneath you. " she said getting up. " besides I need to call some of my business partners when it comes to my wine company dear. We do need to have money to maintain this lifestyle. " she said walking into the closet. You followed after her.

She picked you out a black dress. When you put it on you found that it had a deep cut showing all of your cleavage.

/even if you have itty bitty tiddys that's okay, and you look good in this imaginary dress! 👏/

You turned red out of embarrassment. The dress had a tie in the front to where you would tie it to keep it together. You felt a little scandalous in it. The lady looked at you biting her lip now changing into her typical dress. She grabbed a necklace from her jewelry box that had the Dimitrescu crest on it and put it on you. She looked at you with it and smiled warmly. " you look beautiful my dear. " she said leaning down to kiss your cheek. You giggled.

She took you down to breakfast and you all ate dinner peacefully. Alcina leaving before the rest of you. You assumed it was so she could meet you in the library.

Lady Dimitrescu x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now