wine cellar

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

This chapter was uhhhh well you'll see. But damn Alci 🥴


After breakfast and everyone was gone, you walked up to one of the maids. " do you know where Sarah is? " you asked with a smile. " sorry Mrs. Dimitrescu but we haven't heard from Sarah all morning. " they said bowing their heads. You were still a little taken aback by the fact that they called you Mrs. Dimitrescu. News traveled fast within this castle, so many people watching at all times. It made you wonder who else had saw you and Sarah's conversation last night and how the lady knew of it.

Remembering that the lady had in fact heard it sent a shiver down your spine. 'Could she?-' you began to think but shook your head. ' No!' You thought. ' she wouldn't, wait no, she defiantly would. ' With that you felt your whole body go cold. You needed to quickly find the lady before she did something to Sarah. " excuse me ladies. " you said walking away. " oh, okay Mrs." One of the girls called waving goodbye.

You hurried out the door and began to run up the stairs until you heard the faint sound of buzzing. Cassandra took form in front of you. " why are you running y/n? " the girl said looking at you confused. " where's Sarah the maid? " you said in a panic. " oh, mother said she fired her and sent her home, why? " the girl said leaning on the stair rail.

" she let her go home? " you said in shock. Making Cassandra laugh " as if she would actually let a maid go home, no she killed her silly! Or well is about to. " Cassandra said with a giggle. Your eyes widened. " where is your mother Cassandra? " Cassandra looked at you confused. " Well the winery of course, about to turn that Maiden into Wine. " she said a smirk crossing her face. With that you turned and leaped down the stairs. You felt a sharp pain in your ankles making shocks of pain shoot through your legs but you continued on to the Winery.

Cassandra in close pursuit after you "Y/n!! You're not allowed down there! " she yelled trying to quickly get past you but you opened the door and ran inside. Running almost directly into the lady who had Sarah strapped down on a metal slab. "Y/n? What are you doing here?! " she said trying to get in the way of Sarah but you ignored her and ran to Sarahs side to make sure she was alright. "Sarah! " you shouted. The lady grabbed your shoulder turning you to face her.

" y/n?! " she shouted drawing your attention. " what are you doing?! " her eyes burned with anger. " No! Alcina what are you doing?! " you shouted pointing at Sarah. " I-i just didn't want her to touch you like that again. " the lady said looking away from you again. " I'm sorry lady Dimitrescu! " Sarah said shaking on the metal cold slap.

" I don't want to hear anything from you, I warned you that you were on thin ice with me, maybe I should blind your other eye and rip out your intestines and force you to blindly put yourself back together. While you shake in pain. " the lady said struting over to the girl. You grabbed the ladies hand making her stop her speech and look at you. Your own eyes we're now filled with anger. " there is no need in taking her life Alcina. She still deserves a fair chance to live, yes she messed up but human life is so vulnerable. And Sarah I considered a friend. "

The lady looked at you with concerned eyes. " but y/n darling, she was harrasing you. Stealing your drawings and weirdly stalking you. " the lady said knealing down till your eyes met hers. " yes but all she wanted was to be loved. So did you at some point. " you said carresing the ladies cheek. You looked over at Sarah who had her head faced away from yours but you could still hear her sniffle. You walked over to her seeing her red puffy cheeks.

" isn't that right Sarah? " you said laying a hand on her shoulder. She turned eyes wide at you. All that filled her eyes were hurt. " lady Dimitrescu please end my suffering, I don't want to live anymore. " the girl said closing her eyes again waiting her death.

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