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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

Dragon Alcina, Dragon Alcina, Dragon Alcina


You ran before she could even say a word....
You had been running and running for a few minutes now until eventually you found yourself in the courtyard. You knelt down on the center piece and just stayed there shaking. The ladies image burning in your head. Her burning yellow gaze, her organ like wings and odd things shooting from her back. Her long claws. The lady looked completely different. Yet in some way you still found her beautiful.

       You could hear her worried stomps coursing throughout the castle

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You could hear her worried stomps coursing throughout the castle. You looked through the windows to see if she would look through one of them and find you. You sat down in the center of the courtyard and tried to take in the cold breeze. You wanted to calm down. You felt awful for leaving her in a panic like that. You knew she was probably very concerned about you. Especially after seeing her like that.

The intense hunger in her eyes when she laid them on you still sent shivers down your spine. You knew she wouldn't hurt you, but still seeing her like that was shocking.

You could hear the slight sniffle of something and you looked over to find Clover prancing around the courtyard, Sarah behind her. Sarah's eyes met yours and they widened. She dropped clovers leash and rushed over to you. She knelt down beside you and placed a hand on your shoulder. " are you alright Mrs.? " you looked to the side but you couldn't smile.

" don't call me Mrs. Please, you know my name just use that please... " you muttered avoiding her eyes. " well then y/n, what's bothering you? " she said in a softer tone. You forced your eyes to meet hers but you couldn't make yourself smile. " I've just seen something I kind of wish to forget. " you said twirling your thumbs. " you've seen it. " she said her eyes widening.

She felt the side of her face with the deep gash and her own sadness appeared " the lady looked like that the day she sliced my face. " she said a single tear rolling down her cheek. You wiped it away. " I never knew she could look like that, I always believed she stayed the same, it just suprised me. " you said carresing Sarah's cheek. She smiled and pushed your hand away. " i'm just glad you safely got away. The lady doesn't always know how to control herself. Especially with you around. " Sarah said a slight pink appearing on her cheeks.

You turned away from her. Clover ran up to the both of you and hopped into your lap licking your face. " sorry that we've just kinda depended on you to take care of her. " you said smiling at the puppy. Sarah placed a hand on your shoulder again " it's not a problem y/n." She smiled warmly at you. You continued to pet Clover, playing with her. You eventually noticed the ladies warm eyes watching you from the dining room windows they seemed both angry yet at the same time they were warm. You left Clover with Sarah and continued on into the dining room doors.

Lady Dimitrescu x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now