Chris Reidfield

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

So here we are introduced more to where some more drama will take place. So just enjoy lol.


The next morning you awoke to find the lady still asleep next you you and clover laying beside you. You attempted to sit up but felt Alcina's hand move around you and force you to lay back down. You felt her get closer to you and Nestle her head into your hair. You could hear her little quiet snores. It made you giggle quietly. You decided you could continue to lay like this until she awoke. You just quietly pet clover and rubbed her belly in the meantime.

Alcina quietly muttered " y/n..." you turned to look at her and her brow seemed to be furrowed. She looked as though her dream was scaring her or making her upset. " don't leave... " she said quietly. And you could see tears start to form in her eyes.

You lightly shook her trying to wake her from her deep sleep and possible nightmare.

Her eyes opened and she looked at you with shock. " Y/n! " she cried and sat up and held you close. " what's the matter my love? " you said rubbing her back trying to massage her shoulders through her tears. " I thought I lost you. " she cried shaking in your arms.

" well no need to cry, I'm here. " you said trying to console her. She pulled away from you and smiled her hands resting on the both the sides of your face. She held you like that for a couple of seconds and then moved closer to you and kissed you passionately. This kiss was different. It was filled with so much love.

She pulled away and you gasped for air. She smiled into your eyes and you stared into hers. You heard a knock at the door and you both sat up in the bed " yes? " the lady said, confused. No one answered. She got up annoyed. She opened the door and looked around and saw nobody. You followed behind her and peered through the door. You looked down at the ground and noticed a box.

" dear, there's a box. " you said pointing at the ground. " ah, yes. " she said bending down and grabbing it. She turned and set it on the vanity table. She started to open it but you quickly walked behind her and stopped her. " don't open it you whispered. " and as she started to pull at the cardboard your gut took over " don't open it Alcina! " you said loudly but clear.

" what's the matter dear? " she said looking at you confused. But before you could answer you grabbed the box and took it out onto the patio and quickly threw it off. She walked behind you angry and you could hear her stomps get closer. Then...


Before the box could reach the ground you heard it explode loudly. The crows in the trees started to scatter in the distance.

You looked back at her. Her eyes wide. " dear that could of killed you. " she said, getting closer to you. Checking to make sure you weren't hurt. " I heard a slight ticking sound coming from it. Much too quiet for any normal person to hear. " you said looking at the ground that now had dirt everywhere.

She rubbed your shoulders and you turned around to meet her gaze. " you need to do something about Chris Reidfield my love. " you said quietly. Not completly sure with yourself as you said it. She nodded. " yes, he needs to have his head ripped from his shoulders! " she said turning and starting to walk towards the door. " Alcina wait! " you yelled from the door outside.

She looked back at you " yes dear? " she said trying to make herself smile. But all that you could see was anger written across her face. Her eyes red from the anger building up inside her. " don't hurt him. We should try and talk to him. " you said almost trying to plea.

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