Winged Women

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

Uhhhhhh so uhhhhhh and uhhhh


On the other side of the door you were greeted with the woman you had met before. " so we meet again. " the woman said a grin reaching both her cheeks. " so your aware of what's going on between Alcina and Alice huh? " the woman said with a cackle.

You rolled your eyes. " yes. " you said with a sigh. " good, good. So then you know that I want something from you too. " the woman said wrapping her hand around yours. You looked away from her. " I suppose that's possible. " you said avoiding the woman's gaze, you heard her cackle.

Her wings spread wide and she removed her mask. " I want you to pretend as though you have no idea what happened, and that you believe Alcina really is replacing you. I want a show. " the woman said leaning in closer to you. " my daughter. Well she is demanding a lot from me. So I only see that's it's fair if I get something in return. " the woman said caressing your cheek. You pulled away from her.

" don't worry girl, I don't want you. " the woman said crossing her arms at you. " I respect my daughter too much to do such a thing. I may be awful but not that bad. " the bird woman said with a cackle.

/ hey I just didn't want to make it like a lot of the fanfics on here where Miranda is a bitch who pretty much forces herself on y/n. While yes she's a sadist I also wanted her to respect her daughter in this even though she's basically fucking with her daughters relationship with you. She also sees that you two genuinely love each other so she knows you will bounce back. Still fucked up yes. But she's not going to steal you from Alcina like what happens in so many of these/

You smirked relieved to know that. You were loyal to Alcina. As was she to you. " sooo young maiden. I ask that you go into her room tonight where her and that maiden will be and you create quite the show for me. I will be watching. If you don't do it then I simply will have to reject Alcina on her request. It's not that bad really. Though Alcina might loose her shit. " the bird woman said with a cackle.

You hesitated but you ended up nodding your head in agreement. " as you wish mother Miranda. " she cackled and pushed you back out of the room. On the other side of the door you could see the lady walking up the steps to her bedroom. You hid behind a pillar as to make sure she didn't see you.

Just looking at her made your heart beat a million miles an hour. It made you giggle like a little girl realizing this about yourself. You spent most of the day in the library avoiding the lady entirely to keep from awkward contact. You just had to make a big scene tonight and everything would go back to normal. You thought to yourself. Soon you could hear the flutter of flies.

The little red headed Dani sat in front of you. " hi... " the girl said. You looked up from your book with a smile. " yes Dani? " you said sweetly. She looked to the side avoiding your eyes entirely. " did you need something? " you said placing your hands on your lap. " uhm mother wanted you to go to her chambers. " Daniela said feeling awful. You could tell she was uncomfortable.

When you finally reached the laidies door you hesitantly opened it. Inside was a scene similar to the one from before. The lady sitting on the bed with the maid across from her. You sighed and entered the room. Now it was time to act. You looked over to her balcony and saw a crow staring through the window. It was obviously Miranda.

Seeing the bird made your stomach turn. You felt rather uneasy seeing that she was watching so intently. You could tell she was sitting at the edge of her seat. Excitement over bearing her. " oh y/n dear. " the lady said turning to meet your eyes. But you forced yourself to look angry. You furrowed your brow and looked away from her.

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