Clover meets the family

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

       I hope you guys like the addition to the family. Clover is such a little bean baby. I'll have to draw her at some point <3


            With the puppy still in your arms you made your way downstairs, you could hear the bugs swarming around you, yet you decided to keep on walking. You got down to the floor and stood in the middle of the room waiting on the girls to appear. Up the stairs they lady watched, smiling brightly at you. Clover wiggled in your arms wanting down. And finally the girls appeared they each stood one behind the other hiding from the small puppy. 

      " what is that… " one of the girls whispered, but you were still able to hear. You smiled " this is Clover, our new puppy. " Each of the girls slowly inched their way over to you. Finally the girls were right in front of you and they slowly reached their hands out to pet the puppy, the puppy licked their hands and they each jumped back away from the puppy hiding behind each other. Poor Daniela at the front of the line shielding the other 2 from the monstrous Clover. 

        You giggled at the sight of it and the girls each looked at you angry. " are you laughing at us puny human? Shall we slice you to pieces right here? " from up the stairs you could hear the lady clear her throat and the girls each looked up at her and saw her shaking head. " no need to be rude to her daughters. " she said making her way down the stairs. They each bowed their heads embarrassed that their mother had heard them. 

        The lady walked up to Clover and reached out her hand as if to take her. And you handed the puppy over to her. The dog was so small in her arms it was smaller than her hand. Yet she still lightly pet it's head and rubbed it's belly gently. She leaned down to where the girls could see, and they each walked over to the puppy and lightly touched it. Their eyes lit up. " it's so soft! " Daniela said with a big smile on her face. " so gentle" Cassandra whispered. Bela stayed back she was still scared to touch it, but she looked at her mother and walked over to her. " don't pee on me! " she said sternly and slowly moved her hand across the puppy's back. 

      She kept rubbing her hands on it, a smile starting to appear on her face. " now daughters, this puppy shall not be hurt by the three of you, I will be very displeased if I find that Clover has been hurt. " clovers ears perked as if she had understood she was taking about her. Her tail started to wag and the lady set her on the floor. The puppy ran around the room sniffing every thing. Excited by the new place, it's new home. " uhm Alcina you might want to potty train it before you let it-" but before you could finish your sentence the puppy had already left its mark. 

      You sighed, one of the maids walked over and cleaned the mess. You picked up the puppy and walked through the dinning room doors to the court yard and walked the dog around. Almost as to familiarize it with where it would be "going". After a couple of minutes you brought the dog back in and Alcina seemed to have just scolded the girls, her face was red hot. But as soon as she noticed you in the door her expression changed and she walked over to you to pat the puppy on the head. 

        You looked up at her a little confused " is everything okay? " she grabbed your hand. " of course it is, right girls? " they all nodded their heads. " See. Now anyways we should probably get ready for lunch. " she walked into the dining room but before the girls walked into the room you ran to the courtyard doors and closed them, you had accidentally left them open. The lady opened the door and saw you up against the court yard doors and gave you a confused glance but sighed and sat down. You went over to her and sat down beside her. 

     " Clover can't eat with us dear. " She said looking down at the puppy. You nodded and she called for one of the maids to come and take care of her while you eat. Sarah cane to the table and picked up the puppy and her expression immediately changed to a warm smile. It made you smile seeing her so happy, but she turned and left through the dining room doors. You looked back at the lady who was busy staring at you. Your eyes met and she turned away quickly with an embarrassed expression. It made you giggle. 

     You all ate lunch together, the girls still talking gave about the puppy and you Alcina sharing many glances at one another. The maids came in and grabbed all of the plates and the lady stood up and walked out the doors. But what she found on the other side of the doors was not what she expected. She found Heisenberg, Donna, and Moreou in the main room. You looked around at all of them confused. " You should have answered the phone Alcina, now we're meeting here. " Mother Miranda came down the stairs next to you and giggled. 

      " so you've gotten the human a puppy?" She said with something fluffy in her hands. She moved her hands and you could see Clover in her arms. She picked the dog up by her neck and giggled as it started to whine and squirm. You began to cry seeing Clover getting hurt. The lady rushed over to Mother Miranda and ripped the dog from her hands. The puppy still whimpering in her arms. Alcina attempted to console her slowly rubbing her back and head to reassure her that she was okay. Alcina walked back over to you and set the puppy into your arms and walked back over to Mother Miranda. 

        " Why did you do that? " She said aggressively. " Now, now Alcina that's no way to speak to your mother" she said fully coming down the stairs and standing next to Alcina. She sighed " I just wanted to see it whine, it's obviously not hurt, calm down. " Alcina rolled her eyes and started arguing with mother Miranda. You looked over to Donna to see Angie obviously wanting to pet Clover. You lowered yourself to the ground and Angie jumped out of Donna's arms and ran over to you. 

      " It's so cute human! " you smiled warmly at Angie and she slowly pet the puppy rubbing it's ears and smiling her eyes wide. " I've never felt something so soft.  I'm sorry Mother Miranda tried to hurt her. " she whispered into your ear. You nodded your head " thanks. " Angie looked back at Donna and she waved her hand for Donna to come over. Donna shook her head and wrapped her arms around herself. Angie walked over to her and pulled at her dress, and Donna slowly made her way over to you. She kneeled down and lightly pet the puppy. You could tell she was very nervous. 

     You smiled. " see? It's okay. " as soon as you spoke Donna retracted her hand and took a step back. " sorry I didn't mean to startle you. " you said in a softer tone. She kneeled back down " I'm sorry. " she whispered very lightly. You were able to make out her words and smiled at her warmly. She looked down at Angie who was petting Clover and even letting her lick her hands. Donna placed her hand in front of the dog and Clover also licked her fingers. She giggled very quietly. 
       Angie jumped up into Donna's arms and moved her black cloth in front of her face. What was underneath was a shy beautiful woman with scaring on one side of her face. Her eyes started to widen after realizing what Angie had just done. You looked at her warmly with a smile and she looked down. And then looked for Angie who had ran away with her cloth to cover her face. You smiled " your very beautiful Donna. " her face turned red immediately and she got up and made her way over to Angie and covered her face again. But before she put back on the cloth she looked at you one more time. 

      Now Moreou was in front of you. You could tell he was curious about the puppy. " this is Clover. " he giggled and he smiled. " I've never seen a puppy before. " you smiled and put the puppy out to where he could pet her. He did for only a few seconds but then you heard a loud crash in front of you and you stood up and peered over Heisenberg's shoulder. What you saw was Alcina holding her face and Mother Miranda with her hand raised. You set the puppy down and ran over to Alcina. Her eyes were filled with tears and her cheek was red. 

       " never talk to me like that again Alcina. " she walked up the stairs past Mother Miranda and into her room. You went back down the steps to grab Clover and walked past Mother Miranda and into Alcina's room. You knocked on the door before entering. Alcina walked up to the door and unlocked it. Mother Miranda who you didn't realize was behind you pushed you out of the way and walked into the room. She herself had a couple of tears going down her face. You walked into the room but stayed out of the way. 

      " Alcina I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I apologize. " Mother Miranda said with her hand on her shoulder. " No, I shouldn't have raised my voice at you. "Alcina said, looking up at Mother Miranda, she leaned down and hugged Alcina. " Let's both do better. " she said, smiling down at her. Alcina nodded her head. " yeah. " 

      You walked over to the bed and sat the puppy down. " I apologize for hurting your puppy, human. " You nodded." Thank you. " she smiled and walked out of the room. " We will have our meeting in the normal place tomorrow, please answer my calls so I don't have to come here uninvited Alcina" Alcina nodded her head " yes mother. " Mother Miranda looked back at you with the puppy " bye human. " you smiled and waved at her. 

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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