Ethan winters

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.・✫・゜・。. Authors note.・✫・゜・。.

         This was just to add a little bit more of the cannon lore. But also with a twist. This won't follow the normal story. You'll understand if you keep reading. 

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           You turned to meet the lady's gaze, it was hardened and confused. " why are you here? " she said finally. The girls kept going on and the lady grabbed your hand again and took you to her room. There you saw that Sarah was no longer there. " why did you come downstairs? " she said as she sat on the bed. You looked away trying to avoid her eyes but she grabbed your neck and forced you to look at her. " I hate repeating myself y'know? " she said more aggressive. 

       " what were you doing to that man Alcina! " you said with confusion and hurt. " that's none of your concern dear, you should have listened and stayed here. " she said now looking away. You got on her lap and put your hands on the side of her face. " what's happening Alcina? Your not telling me something. " you cried. She turned to meet your worried expression and she could no longer stay angry. " that man thing is the child's father. I personally have no real use for him and don't like men. Yet I told mother Miranda his suffering was assured. And so I must do that. Make him suffer. " 

        You looked at her confused. " what are you going to do to him? " she smiled as you said it " why turn him into wine of course" and that's when it dawned on you. That's why the wine tasted so unique, for it was not any normal wine. You looked at her eyes wide and started to lean away from her. She noticed and her smile faded. " I'm sorry. I guess now you realize how much of a monster I really am. " she said, her head lowering. 

      You couldn't help but pity her, you couldn't tell if she was just manipulating you or she was genuinely upset. You moved the hair out of her face and took the hat off of her head. " your not a monster Alcina. You just wanted to survive. " you said finally. You could feel her body start to shake and the slight sniffle. She wrapped her arms around you. 

     You could feel a sharp pain in your back it felt like needles breaking the skin and you realized it was her nails. You started to wine and she stopped. She immediately picked you up and turned you around. " im sorry! I don't want to hurt you! " she said quickly. She picked you up and took you to the bathroom unzipping the dress. She licked your back where whatever blood came out and stook bandages on top if it. 

      " I forgot how good you taste. " she said as she turned you back around. You felt your heart start to flutter. That's when you realized that earlier you had been overthinking. You are her favorite. She kissed your lips softly. And held you tight for a moment that was until you could hear the sounds of glass breaking. The lady left the bathroom and see you on the bed. She left the room quickly. You watched as she left and once again followed her to the door hoping to go unnoticed. 

     You looked out the door and found one of the daughters screaming for Ethan Winters. The lady went halfway down the stairs and yelled " where is he? " Cassandra cried. " I don't know, I went to check on the man-thing and he had escaped! " she started to cry. " Cassandra! Find him now! Your my daughter now act like it! " she disappeared " yes mother" the lady walked back upstairs fuming. Once she reached the upstairs her phone started to ring. She walked in and headed towards the phone. 

           " yes mother? " she said walking across the room to grab her chair. She grabbed it and sat down once where the vanity had been. You looked out the window and noticed a man crouched under it, you got out of his view to where he couldn't see you. You Snook into the bathroom and waited for the lady to get off the phone. She slammed down the phone and walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. 

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