Welcome to the family

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

This part is a bit shorter, just in advance. Yet I still enjoyed making it. 


       You felt awful as you began to turn the page. The first page read " Today in the castle that Sarah opened the dining room window, I wanted to cut her head off. I instead opted for a slash all the way across her face. She will live, not that she deserves it. I hope she has learned her lesson but I wouldn't be surprised if she's dead in the next few weeks. " you looked at the pages in shock. 

     You had known of the ladies' incident with Sarah but you never really knew how it looked from her point of view or how she felt. You flipped through a couple more pages and a piece of paper fell out.  You picked it up and opened it slowly. On the inside was a drawing of you. Yet it wasn't like the other one. This one was a drawing of you in the cellar. You started to read the page that the paper had fallen out of. You were shocked at what you were reading. 

      " a new maiden has just been put in my cellar. She's so beautiful. I see myself not wanting to get rid of this one so easily. Something draws me into this one, her beautiful eyes and her amazing figure. I just want her all to myself. " you started smiling as you read it. But that meant the lady had been watching you since you were put in that cellar. How long had she known of you. She acted like the time she went in your cellar that, that was the first time she had ever known of you. 

         Just what else had the lady been hiding? You continued to flip through the pages and you saw more drawings of yourself. Some of them without your clothes on. You started to turn red at the sight of yourself in some of those poses. They were so realistic. There was one where you could tell she was on top of you when she was thinking about it. You could see your face was so weird looking. The faces you had made. You became embarrassed knowing that's what the lady saw when she was on top of you. 

      You kept it in the back of your mind to be more self aware of how you looked. You kind of became self conscious after seeing those pictures. How you looked. But at the same time it made you warm and fuzzy knowing that the lady had loved you so much that she took the time to draw all of these pictures. You smiled and placed the book back on her bedside table. You were curious of what else she had written but decided to not look any further.

        You could hear the sound of someone walking upstairs and you quickly set the journal back down on the bed side table and set the drawing that want on the bed on top of the journal. You laid back down in the bed and pretended to still be asleep. You could hear the door open and someone move slowly across the room you opened your eye slightly and you could see the lady inching her way towards you. You closed your eyes completely trying to hide the fact you were awake. She walked over to you and kissed you on the forehead and sat down on the bed beside you. 

      You opened your eyes slightly and saw her pick up the drawing that was on her journal. She turned and looked at you a little confused. " I know you're awake. " she said, staring at you. You slowly opened your eyes and looked at her. " you saw it. " she said, looking back away from you. You nodded your head. " I figured you accidentally left it on the bed." You said twirling your fingers. You say up and moved to the edge of the bed where you got be, to her. You could hear her heartbeat. 

        She turned to meet your anxious eyes and she smiled. " I made that for you, did you not want it? " she said looking at the drawing in her hands. It really was a good drawing. It still amazed you the way she looked at you. Her beautiful smile. She watched as your smile started to appear her face was so red, you assumed from embarrassment. " your drawing was too good if anything, your a woman of many talents and I honestly didn't expect that to be one. " 

      Her eyes sparkled as she heard you say it, she looked at you with a big smile. You were happy that you helped do that. Helped make her feel happy again. She looked away shyly and got up from the bed. She made her way into her closet where she came back with a box. She handed it to you, you felt it move in your hands and you looked at the box confused. Yet be offered you could open it out popped a head. 

      It was the head of a little puppy, and it wiggled it's way out of the box and into your arms. You looked at the puppy confused and held it up. You looked at its soft eyes and couldn't stop smiling. You set the puppy down in your lap and it immediately started to lick your face. You giggled at it. You looked up to see the lady looking down at the two of you with a soft warm smile. You smiled and asked " well? Tell me about it? " she sat down on the bed beside you and you watched as the puppy ran into her lap and tried to play with her hands. 

      You tried to hold back laughter, she smiled " well she's a mix, a stray. I found her wandering in the village and decided she had to be ours. " the lady said shyly looking down at the puppy. You thought to yourself, of course its a girl, the lady looked over at you and smiled  "what should we name her? " you started to look at the puppy trying to think of names and one popped up into your mind. You couldn't think of anything else. " what about Clover? "

       The lady nodded her head "Clover it is. " she smiled at the puppy warmly and grabbed your hands. " Let's take good care of clover together. " 

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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