An unwelcomed guest

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.・✫・゜・。.Authors Note.・✫・゜・。.

Who has come to visit? And what could ruin the day after your special night?

.・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。.

You found yourself sitting on her lap while she fixed her makeup at her vanity, her still wearing the loose white silky night gown that barely covered her chest. You leaned in closer to her, laying your head on her chest almost beginning to fall asleep. " are you still tired dear? " the lady cooed rubbing your cheek with her thumb. You giggled and looked up into her soft golden eyes.

She looked back into yours with a puzzled grin and looked back into her mirror, re-applying the lipstick. Suddenly you heard a knock at the ladies door breaking you of your trance. You both looked at the door and the lady rolled her eyes. " come in. " she called holding you a little closer.

The door opened slowly and the maid Samantha was on the other side. " yes? " the lady said in a stern voice. You could tell that the lady didn't really appreciate the maid getting close to her eldest daughter but respected her none the less. "Speak." She said a little more annoyed. The girl nodded and began to speak" Lord Heisenberg is still still here Lady Dimitrescu. " the girl said keeping her eyes glued to her feet.

" thank you, for why? " the lady said a little annoyed. The girl hesitated and then continued " he wouldn't leave last night... So Mrs. Daniela offered that he stay in the guest room... We would of consulted with you but we were informed not to bother you last night. " the girl said anxiously. The lady nodded and sighed. " thank you dear, you're dismissed. "

The girl nodded and closed the door quietly. You looked back up at the lady who seemed as though she already was tired from this rather annoying morning. " I'm sorry dear, I was hoping for a rather peaceful morning. " she said planting a kiss on your cheek. Leaving behind the red residue of her deep crimson lipstick.

The lady never seemed to wear a different lipstick, she kept the same makeup look daily. 'I guess she just wants to make it easy ' you thought with a smirk. The lady lifted you up from her lap and placed you back down on the floor. Walking to her closet to change into her white dress. She entered the room again and walked over to you with a smirk. " I don't need to carry you do I? " she said with a grin. You huffed and crossed your arms. " I never needed you to carry me. " you said closing your eyes, facing away from her.

" you've had so many temper tantrums here lately, do I need to Discipline you? Or can we be adults? " the lady said a chuckle escaping her lips. You rolled your eyes. " I'm no child! " you shouted. The lady grabbed your wrists and pinned you againt the wall. " are you now? Then enough. " she said lowering herself to your level wrapping one of her hands around your waist. " good girl. " she whispered seeing just how quiet you got.

She lifted her hand from your waist and stepped back a bit. You could feel just how flustered you were. The lady knew just how to get you to be quiet and be complacent. You covered your face with your hands. " aww I'm sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you kitten. " she said pulling your hands from your face. What she uncovered was a flustered mess.

Making her giggle quietly. She grabbed your hand forcing you to follow her out the door. " now to deal with "Lord" Heisenberg " she said with an annoyed tone. She seemed to walk much quicker making it harder for you to keep up. To the point she was dragging you. You tried hard to stay at her same pace but you were no match.

Finally you reached a guest room that you had never entered. The lady knocked and waited a few moments. After what felt like a couple of seconds the door flew open, and out walked Heisenberg. " oh, hey big sis. " he muttered rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walked out shirtless. You could see that the man was covered in hair. You turned away from him not wanting to see him in such a way.

Lady Dimitrescu x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now