Special Day (the end)

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

Omg I feel like crying, this was such a beautiful chapter! <3


You looked up from your white linen covers, a soft hum escaping your lips. Today was meant to be special, perfect even. You were ready for what life or rather eternity had ahead of you. Everything was planned to a T, everything was ready. You stretched in the ladies white bed. You had slept alone, the lady waiting to see you, and you her.

You rolled over, a Boquet of flowers and a note laid on her side of the bed. You leaned over and grabbed it, putting the flowers under your nose and taking in the beautiful rose scent. You grabbed the note that laid beside it and began to read.

My one and only,

Are you ready? Are you ready to spend eternity with me? I can't wait to see you, I'm sure you will be as beautiful as ever. The table is set, the dress is ironed, I can't wait what life brings, for now, everything is beautiful.

Love, your one and only

You grabbed the note and brought it up to your face, taking in the warm sent of the ladies smell, her beautiful rose smell. You plopped back down onto the bed kicking your feet in the air. " how is this reality!? " you shouted covering your face with the pillows.

You heard a light knock at the door and looked up at it. " come in! " you said in an excited voice. The door opened and in walked Samantha " I was asked to bring this to you Mrs. " she said bowing her head. You jumped from the bed and ran to her, taking her in a big bear hug. " Samantha! I'm getting married!! Oh my god!! " you said excited, not letting her go. " y-yes ma'am.. Th-thats true. " she said in a nervous voice.

You pulled away and looked into her eyes " hey now! Act like my friend! Not like my employee! " you said with a warm giggle and she nodded. " uhm okay" she said with a more relaxed warm smile. She took your hands in hers and smiled " you will look beautiful Mrs., I promise you, now please eat your breakfast. " she said motioning to the plate still in her hand. " ah yes, of course. " you said with a giggle and took the plate from her hands.

She nodded and bowed before leaving the room. You looked back and took the plate to the ladies vanity, setting it down. On the plate was French toast and raspberries, your favorite breakfast, as well as a glass of water. You smiled and looked at yourself in the mirror, placing your hand on your cheek, imagining it to be the ladies, and a warm smile crossed your lips. You were excited for the future, excited to see the lady, excited to be a family.

You looked back down at the plate, and could feel as the tears began to stream down your cheeks, a pool of saltyness flooding your lap. Yet these were not tears of sorrow, these were tears of excitement and joy. You could hear another knock hit the door, you took a quick sip of your water and said in yet another happy voice " come in! " the door opened. In walked Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. Each of their faces were red and puffy with tears. You looked at them confused and immediately went to them.

" what's the matter? " you said with a warm smile, and they each giggled. " we're just so excited for you y/n" they said, Cassandra beginning to choke on tears. Daniela pushed the other two girls out of the way and jumped at you taking you in her warm tight embrace. " we're just so excited to have you around! We've never had anyone here like you! " Daniela said, tears streaming down her face, soaking your white silk nightgown.

" it's okay" you said stroaking her hair until she pulled away, a warm smile appearing across her cheeks. Bela pushed Daniela out of the way and also took you in her embrace, Cassandra walking behind you, and also hugging you. You wrapped a arm around the both of them, pulling them closer. They pulled away, and Cassandra brought a box out from behind her, and they each presented it to you. " just a little something we wanted you to have, and well wear. " they said with a warm smile.

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