Village of shadows

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

This part has more of the three daughters. If you guys want to see more action between y/n and the daughters please tell me in the comments <3


          You walked into the ladies room. There you found her on the bed reading a book and her three daughters listening to her recite bedtime stories. You smiled while standing at the bedroom door. Two of the girls had already fallen asleep, yet the black haired girl was still awake and seemed to be immersed in whatever story the lady had been reading them.   

         It was kind of funny to see the size difference between the rather large lady and her 3 girls

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         It was kind of funny to see the size difference between the rather large lady and her 3 girls. All three looked so small next to her. It almost made you laugh. The lady looked up from her book and noticed you watching her read. " are you just going to stand there dear? " she said, her eyes back on the book. You let go of the door and walked over to the bed. You sat down on the corner of it, avoiding both of the girls. 

         The black haired girl seemed to still not notice your presence. She glanced over at you but quickly turned back to her mother after she started to read again. You made your way over to the lady, avoiding the blonde haired and red haired girl. You laid in the ladies lap and smiled as she continued to read the tale. You listened more to what she was reading and realized that the story she had been telling was of a girl who got lost in the forest. You looked at the cover of the book and realized it was titled " village of shadows. "

          You watched as she flipped the pages, you saw several creatures, from bats to fish, a weaver. Her voice was so calm as she spoke, her smile stretching from ear to ear. She was so passionate about making her daughters happy. Even if that meant reading bedtime stories no matter how old they are. 

         You looked over to find that even now the black haired girl had fallen asleep. You smiled at the sight of it, they all slept peacefully. You looked up into Alcina's eyes, they were filled with joy. You could tell she felt so much love for her daughters. Her eyes lit up while she looked at them, sparkling like beautiful yellow gems. Her perfect pale skin, it made you happy just to look at her. 

          You placed one of your hands in hers, they were so much bigger than yours, about 3 times the size in fact. She could break your hand if she wanted to, but instead she gently caressed it. You closed your eyes and just laid back into her arms. You could feel her heart start to flutter, her body becoming warm. You looked up into her eyes and found that they were looking down at you, her soft smile made you feel like you were going to melt into her arms. 

           Her arms wrapped around you and you felt safe, she leaned back onto the bed and blew out her bedside candle. You laid in her arms for what felt like hours but was only a couple of minutes until you fell asleep. When you woke the next morning you found the three girls laying on both of you. The bed felt so warm, and so full of love, you hadn't really known what love felt like before you lived in this castle. 

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