her personal servant.

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  .・✫・゜・。. Authors note.・✫・゜・。.

      Thankyou guys for all the votes and stuff, I don't really know what I'm doing tbh. I'm just writing stuff down and hoping it turns out good hahaha. Also this part will give a little bit of spoilers to the actual game.. Sooo if you don't want spoilers you should probably keep shmoovin. also this one is very much so r rated. 

   .・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。.

         You patiently wait in your room for the lady to finish her meeting with her brother. But while you were waiting you could feel someone else's presence. You turned to meet one of the daughters. You couldn't really tell them apart yet, you had only just moved here. The girl got closer to you, now knowing that you knew she was there. "So little rodent, you've caught my mother's interest. For why I must wonder. " she says walking in circles around you. 

      "Maybe I shall taste you, just to understand… ...yet then again unlike mother I can't stop myself once I get a taste of something. " she said smirking at you. "But then again even if I could stop myself. Mother would be mad with me if I didn't follow her direct orders. So I guess we will have to wait a little longer to play this game of cat and mouse little rodent. " she said tracing her finger on your body. 

    Then once again she became bugs and they all filtered out the door. You hear what sounds like the lady's foot steps echoing through, they sound as though their filled with anger. You start shaking realizing she's coming towards your door. But before she could open it you stand up completely still smiling. She opens the door and comes over to you and picks you up. You could tell she was trying her best not to break you in half with her squezze.

     Once you reach her room she opens the door bends down and goes in you still in her arms and slams it shut and locks it. She then goes straight to the bed and buries her face into your hair. You could feel her hot tears streaming down her face. "I hate my brother. " she screams so loud it feels like your ear drums are going to burst. She picks you up again and squishes your cheeks together. And moves them around and starts to giggle while doing it. 

     "Sorry I just really wanted something to make me laugh" she said still tears streaming down her face. She let's you go and moves her head forward hiding her face. You get up and push it up. "Hey look at me" you say anxiously. "No, I look like a mess" she mumbles sounding like a child. You move her hair out of her face and take off her hat. "Please look at me" you say again but this time she listens. 
     You look at her and see the streaming mascara going down her face. You grab a tissue from her bedside table and start to dab away the tears. "You look fine. " you say trying to sound confident. She was right she did look like a mess. A beautiful disaster. 

    She grabs you and holds you closer you can tell that she really needed you. And you were happy to supply her with whatever comfort she needed. But at the same time you were terrified that she might turn on you and get mad at you for trying to be more than just her servant. She pulls you away once again. " you are now my personal servant. Nobody can get a higher point in this castle than that. There are very few of my own personal servants. And now you are one of them. So do not make me regret giving you that title."

      "Oh and also I'm terminating your room, you won't need it any longer. You will be staying in my chambers from here on out. " she said sternly. You could tell she meant every word. " Please go get all of your belongings out of that room. I will be waiting for your return" she said smiling as she helped you off the bed and you left her room. 

   Once out of her room you started to panic, did the lady really want you. Some random girl from the village to sleep in her chambers with her every night. Why were you so special. you quickly made your way to what was your room and grabbed what little you had and made your way back to her room. Another servant the one with the scar called out your name and you turned to meet her. 

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