A melody

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

A wonderful surprise. :)))) for the lady that is. 😌🤌


After several more hours you felt yourself falling asleep. The lady's eyes met yours but her expression changed. " oh, I'm sorry. " she said getting up from her stool. She walked over to you and placed your dress over you. " you need to tell me when your becoming tired. " she said picking you up off the couch. You wrapped your arms around her letting her take you out of the library

 You wrapped your arms around her letting her take you out of the library

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You found yourself becoming more and more tired. You tried your hardest to fight sleep but you were much too tired. You fell asleep in the ladies arms. You couldn't stay awake any longer. " sleep well my kitten. " she purred and set you on the bed.
The next morning you found yourself awake before her. Trying to recall the night before and how you got here. Then you remembered her carying you through out the castle halls. You falling asleep in her arms in nothing but a black dress draped over your body.

Remembering that you looked down and found that you were wearing nothing. Just the blanket covered you. You immediently turned red and averted your eyes from yourself. Also realizing the lady had slept beside you with you naked.

You slowly got out of the bed making sure not to wake her up. It was still very early, the light hadn't even surfaced. You got dressed in a robe and crept out of the room.

You found yourself tip-toeing through the halls quietly. Making sure as to not make a sound. You finally found yourself in the Music room, the piano perfectly set. As you had several times you began to play the song that the lady threw away. You started to play it, as usual you played it over and over. Hiting the keys too hard, or too light, not going quick enough, or even more so going too quick.

You put your hands on your face and just began to weep. You were so frustrated that things were not going as you had wished they would. You wanted to get it perfect. It was the ladies song after all and she deserved pure perfection. You played the song over but this time you only thought of her while playing it.

And this time it was perfect. Just as the lady had played it.

You put your love into it. Remembering the way the lady had looked at you. Nothing but passion, that was the key to making the song sound so perfect, you needed passion. And just remembering those golden yellow eyes gave you all the passion you needed.

All the love that you had. You wanted to show the lady just how much you cared for her. You stopped and tried again only thinking of her and once again you done it perfectly. You did it several times playing it to pure perfection. Every note, every key sounded as how it was supposed to, and it was beautiful.

You could hear the sound of footsteps and you left the music room, not wanting her to know that you had practiced. You thought to yourself that you would play it once again after dinner. But this time with her. You went into the dining room meeting her there. " there you are y/n" she said softly and warm . You looked down and realized you were still wearing nothing but a robe.

Lady Dimitrescu x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now