Lovely Jealousy

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

Who wants to meet you? And why? Ahaha this chapter made my heart happy so I hope you like it too.


With the lady on the other side of the door you would have to sneak out the bathroom door that led to the Hall. Who were you meeting? And why did they have your drawings? You thought about this the entire way to the courtyard. Making careful steps as to not draw the daughters attention as you snook throughout the castle.

You finally made it to the dining hall, leaving through the courtyard doors. You walked over to the center of the courtyard. Waiting on whom ever to join you.

" you actually came. " a voice spoke from the dark. You. Immediently recognized it. The figure crept up closer and closer allowing the lantern light to hit her. It was Sarah. You looked at the woman confused. " yes? " she walked closer to you and grabbed both of your palms.

You looked at her in shock and confusion. " did you need something Sarah? " a smirk appeared on her lips. " yes actually... " she whispered getting even closer to you. You began to back away until she had you pinned up against a pillar. " hmm. " she said in a curious tone.

You looked at the woman in shock. What was she doing? And why? " why did you have my drawings? " you said finally making her break out of her trance. " oh.. That.. " she rolled her eyes. " I came in the ladies chambers this morning, I was coming to talk to you, but I saw you wrapped in the ladies arms. I turned away and saw these cute little things on her vanity, and grabbed them. " she said with a big smirk. She pulled a paper out of her pocket revealing that she had more of them.

"You even drew her in a swim suit, how naughty y/n." She giggled biting her lower lip, making you immediently fluster.

     "Th-those are for the lady! " you said grabbing the paper from her hands

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"Th-those are for the lady! " you said grabbing the paper from her hands. " I wish you hadn't gotten so close with her. " Sarah pouted letting go of you. You held the drawings close to your chest embarrassed. Her lip began to quiver " look at me" she whined. You looked at her but with a hint of disgust " yes? " you said again. Her smile had disappeared.

" why didn't you look at me that way? " she said looking down at the ground. You gulped not knowing what to say. She sighed making you look back at her. " I know why. " she said beginning to trace the scar that rested on the side of her face. " Im not beautiful. " she muttered crossing her arms.

You sighed. " I'm not going to feed your ego and make you feel better about what you're doing, but you're not ugly Sarah. " you said rolling your eyes. Your sudden coldness took her back. " y/n..." She whispered softly. " maybe you're not what I thought. " she said looking back at the ground. " I dont have time for your antics Sarah. " you said beginning to walk away but she grabbed your wrist making you stop.

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