Noise complaints

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

OOooo spicy drama 😏 /on a serious note mention of suicide in this chapter. So proceed if you wish/


You sat down beside the lady with a warm smile. She stared ahead at the rather large dinning room windows.

The girls quietly entered the room sitting in front of you. This was different from their normal loud nature. Typically the girls would enter the room giggling amongst themselves. Yet this time they were quiet and sat down properly in front of you.

You looked over at the lady who didn't seen to notice the strange behaviour. Soon enough the maids entered the room and placed the plates at the table and left quietly. Finally the lady looked down but she didn't eat rather she took a sip of her drink and sat quietly. The girls quietly ate. Making an effort to stay clean and proper.

Finally you spoke " what's wrong? " the girls looked down at their plates and let out a quiet giggle that quickly dissapeared. " to be quiet honest y/n, me and the girls heard alot of things last night.... Things we didn't want to hear. " said Bela. Looking down at the plate flustered. You almost chocked on your own saliva and covered your mouth. Your face obviously turning red. You looked up at the lady who was busy trying to hold in her laughter.

" why are you over there laughing for mother? " Daniela said crossing her arms. " sorry girls. I can't help that Y/n is so loud. " you immediently became embarrassed and looked up at the lady with a shocked expression. Each of the girls looked at you. And you stared wide eyed back at them. " uhm... " you said quietly and quickly left the dinning room. You found your self breathing heavily by a desk. You heard the footsteps of someone approaching and a hand reach your shoulder.

When you turned to look it was Sarah and the new maid Samantha. " hey are you alright? " Sarah said with a concerned expression. You turned away your face still red. " Mrs. Dimitrescu? " said Samantha and your eyes widened and your face became even more red. " W-what did you just call me? " you said taking a step back. " s-sorry did I get it wrong? " said the maid covering her mouth.

You let out a quiet giggle. " I don't really know to say the truth. " you said turning away from her. She giggled quietly and so did Sarah. " Maybe you should ask the lady what us sevrants should call you. " she said looking at the ground " seen as your obviously not one of us. " you gave her a confused expression. And she immediently looked up eyes wide. " my apologies, I didn't mean for it to come across that way. " she tried to explain but you just waved your hand.

" No, no I understand. I guess it is rather confusing and well I suppose not really normal. " you said defeated. Sarah giggled again. " So once again, are you okay? " she said with a slight smirk. " let me guess you heard the girls? " you said shielding your face with your hands. Sarah looked to the side. " me and everyone in the kitchen. " she mumbled. And your face bacame even more red. You didn't know how many more shades of pink you could possibly go.

Samantha shyly looked away from you. "So how has it been at castle Dimitrescu? " you said looking at the maid. She looked at you a little shocked. " oh sorry. Uhm it's rather interesting to say the least. " the girl said looking at the ground. You could tell something was wrong. " did something happen? " you said walking over to the girl. She slowly nodded her head. " what's the matter dear? " you said grabbing her hand.

She quickly let go of it and moved her hair out of the way. What you saw was several bite marks all along her neck. You looked at her eyes wide. Her face started to turn red. " who? " you said with a concerned expression. The girl wrapped her arms around her body obviously uncomfortable. " I believe the girls name was Bela." She said looking up into your eyes. And you looked at her not really knowing what to say. " She went into my room last night and said she needed to taste me. I thought she meant it in a different way" the girl said her face blushing "but before I knew it she was biting my neck. "

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