Sleep with me

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.・✫・゜・。. Authors note .・✫・゜・。.    
       Thank you guys for reading I have actually really enjoyed writing this. I know I have shitty writing but this has been a lot of fun. And also I hey to write about the perfect lady d. I really hope you guys enjoy this part. Because it gets a little spicy. :) 


      You awoke to the sound of the lady of the castle fuming in the other room. You walked out of your room and peak into her room. There you see her pillows and feathers strewn throughout the room. And then you could see tears start to roll down her cheeks. It must of been bad to make someone like her cry. She wanted to scream you could tell. Then her yellow eyes met yours and that's when you knew you messed up. 

    "Come here. " she said quietly trying to wipe away her tears. You open the door and walk in shutting it behind you feeling guilty. " you saw nothing, understand? " you nod your head quickly "nothing at all ma'am. " you start to turn around and walk away that is until you feel her hand grab you. "I didn't say you could leave yet. " she said her voice stern, yet still breaking. Her eyes still Welling with tears. 

    She pulls you closer and just holds you close. You could feel her crushing you, but at the same time you could feel her grip slowly loosen and her shaking start to slow down and heart beating quicker. "My mother doesn't care for me" she finally said starting to grip you a little tighter again. "She loves my idiotic brother. That Heisenberg. More than me. More than anyone, that is except for her dead child that nobody can replace. " she said hugging you even closer. 

    " my siblings are all so different from each other yet still not good enough. Not even I am good enough. I've done everything she wants, but she still doesn't want ME." Her tears start to fall again. You look up into her burning eyes, and wipe away her tears, it beginning to be hard to breathe, her breast are in your face suffocating you. You think you might just die. But she finally loses her grip of you entirely. 

    "I'm sorry, I know this is really none of your business, and would probably rather be asleep right now, but thankyou for listening dear. You may go to bed. " she said smiling at you. You start to walk out following her orders. Then she sighs and says quickly "but you could sleep with me instead. " you could tell that she was essentially begging you to. 
      You turn around and meet her hopeful eyes. Her nightgown was so beautiful. It was a cream color much like her dress but it was made of silk. You had on a nightgown too but yours nowhere near as beautiful. You walk back up to her and sit down beside her. 

     She picks you up and instead sets you in her lap. " I would like to hug you longer if you don't mind.. " You lay closer into her allowing for her to hold you and grip you tightly,  you can feel her tears reach the top of your head, and she grips your more rough eventually you can feel her mouth at your neck that's whenever you realize her fangs are slowly going into your neck. 

      "I'm sorry dear, but you taste too delightful, I must be allowed a bit more before I go to bed. " you start to wine and suddenly you feel your own tears start to well up. She pushes you down into her bed for a couple of more seconds and then gets up and looks down at you. 

    " it's going to be hard keeping you in my castle without eating you my dear. You really are just so unique, so unique in that you care even though I'm a monster. " she said her tears back again. "I don't want to hurt you, but at the same time I do, I want to see you cry in agony, does that make me a monster? " she said, starting to sob. You lift your hand to her cheek In amazement of her beauty. Despite her crying she really was astonishing. 

      She looked confused at the gesture. She looked over towards your hand and instead laid beside you. "You really are different. " she mumbled but you could still hear. She grabbed one of your arms and slung you over her to where you were now on the inside of the bed and held you tight, you were like her comforting stuffed animal. 

       By morning you awoke and found her at her vanity applying her bright red lipstick. You slowly sat up.  "Did you sleep well darling? " she said with a more friendly tone. "Yes miss. Thankyou for allowing me to sleep in your bed" you said trying to get off. But realizing it was a little too high. Noticing, she walks over and picks you up and sets you on the floor. "There dear." She said with a hint of a smile. She noticed where her fangs had gone into your neck and picked you up again and took you to the bathroom. 

      She grabbed a clean towel and cleaned the area with some first aid and water. "There dear" she smiled softly and then got up. "You should probably get ready. And about last night, I'm sorry, that was not very appropriate of me to have done that. " she said looking down. You stand up and hug her. "I'm sorry that you feel that way Mrs. But if you need anything I am here for you." You think about what you just did and realize whom you've just hugged. 

     "I'm sorry. That probably was rather rude of me" you blurt out. She pulls you back in for another hug "I will take you up on your offer dear. Whenever I need you, you will come. That's an order. " she said pulling you tighter. You hug her back this time happily. "Of course ma'am" she pushes you away and then pulls you back closer to her eyes " and stop with this miss and ma'am I have a name. It's Alcina Dimitrescu. But you can call me Alcina. " she said smirking "yes lady Dimitrescu" you say incidentally. She picks up a roll of news paper and whacks you up the head with it. 

      "Must I train you like a kitten" she said her hands on her hips and you now on the floor scratching your head. "No Alcina" you say confidently. "Good" she says picking you up. "Now please go get ready" she says looking down at you still in your nightgown. Out of nowhere you hear a loud knock at the door and it startles you. She sets you down on the bed behind her and opens the door slowly her much longer claws cut through her gloves. 

      The door opens and in walks a man that looks homeless. "Jesus you super sized bitch, could you at least open the door to your guest" he says aggressively and then looks over to you. " and who is this? Your meal?" He walks towards you but before he could get too close she gets in the way. " she is none of your business Heisenberg, now please tell me why you are barging into my house. " 

      "Gladly vampire. " he looks back at you before she ushers him out of the room and closes it in his face. " please do wait outside while we change" She locks the door and turns to you as if to tell you to untie the back of her nightgown and unzip it. You do so and pull it off her shoulders. She looks back at you now in nothing but her undergarments. 

     "What are you looking at dear? " she says staring deeply at your now red face. "N-nothing! " you stammer and then grab her dress off the hanger next to you and hold for her to step into. But first she has you tie her corset and she slips the dress over her perfect body. She twirls at the sight of her In her dress. And then turns around and unbuttons all of the buttons on your nightgown. "You really didn't have to do that. " you whisper trying to look away. 

       "Maybe I just wanted to see how you look without your clothes on again" she mumbled. Pulling off the nightgown and walking into her closet to grab another dress for you. You covered your body with your hands trying to hide it, feeling insecure. She walked in and immediately noticed your hands covering everything. She walked over and pulled your hands away from your body. 

      "Why are you doing that dear? " you look away out of embarrassment and she places a hand under your chin and forces you to look into her eyes. "Tell me." You sigh "I'm just not comfortable in my body. " you attempt to hug your body showing your discomfort. But instead she pulled you closer to her. And forced you to instead wrap your arms around her. "You're beautiful my darling. " she said sternly. 

       " I don't give compliments to just anyone mind you, you are just different, you don't see me  as a monster. " she said and you could feel her heart start to race. "You look up into her eyes and she kisses you on the forehead. " now let's see about getting you dressed." You stand up and she slips the dress over you and tightens it in the back and quickly does your hair.  She takes you over to her vanity and stands in it beside you. 

      "See how beautiful you are? " she says smiling. And then finally you both go to the door where she opens it and once again Heisenberg slips inside. "Can we talk now? " he says groaning. She rolls her eyes and walks out of the room her hand still in yours. She bends down to your face and whispers into your ear "I'll probably need you again once the man thing is gone. Come to my room again tonight. " and then she kisses you on the cheek and you walk back to your bedroom and watch as she goes down the hallway Heisenberg and her bickering the entire way. 

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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