Prepare our dinner please

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.・✫・゜・。.Authors note <3.・✫・゜・。.
    I hope you guys have been enjoying my story so far. I have no idea who and all will read this but to everyone who is thank you for checking my story out! 

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  " dear it is time for you to prepare our feast" she said her voice ringing through the halls. You walk out of the room and look over the edge and look over the main room. It was beautiful, nothing like you had seen before. So rich. You had been poor since you were born and never knew such extravagance. 

    You started to hear what sounded like her get up and you quickly made your way down the stairs careful not to trip and then realize your bare foot and feel bad for walking on the marble floors with no shoes. But kept walking. You quickly opened the dining room doors where you were greeted by 3 girls who were covered in both blood and bugs. They were beautiful like their mother despite the mess. 

    They started to giggle. " when do we get to have this one mother" one giggled the other shrieked " look how pretty and scrumptious she looks! I want a taste mother! " you looked over to the lady who shakes her head with dissaproving looks. " now, now my daughters, this one is not for eating. This one is only my snack, do not toy with her too much my daughters. " they all cried in unison. 

    " but why mother! We want a taste of her too! That just means shes really special if she's only yours! " another one started crying another one smiled and walked over behind you and started to sniff you. "She smells so sweet, but I must follow mothers orders" in seconds she became a swarm of bugs and then all of a sudden she was seated in a chair across the table. 

    You started to panic and think to yourself are they all bugs??? She must have noticed your concern because you felt her hand on your shoulder.  " these are my 3 daughters, Daniela, Bela and Cassandra. Please say hello girls" they all cheerfully yelled " hi!! ". She sighed and stood up. " follow me, I will lead you to another one of the servants who will teach you how to prepare our meals. "

     You smile and follow her as she leads you to the kitchen where you are greeted by the rest of the kitchen staff. As soon as they notice lady dimitrescu behind you they stand at perfect attention. These must be the others who survived her torture and cellar. The chosen few. 

     " will you please teach our new servant how to prepare our dinners. " she said looking at all of them. They shook their heads in unison "as you wish ma'am" one said. Another said " anything for you mad'am" she smiled and walked back into the dining room. They all immediately sighed and got back to work, one ushered you over to their area where they seemed to be cutting some sort of meat. 

     "What is this? " you ask not really knowing if you want to know the answer. "It's better you don't ask any questions, please help me butcher the meat, the girls like it served this way it's easier to consume. The lady she likes hers in even smaller portions off the bone to where she can consumme it with a fork and knife and not make a mess. "

    You started to cut up the meat and set it on the platters. "Are we going to cook it. " you asked. "No, they prefer the meat raw, whenever you cook it, it gets rid of all of the blood. " you nodded taking in the  information. "Also never open the windows" she said pointing to the side of her face  that had a deep scar

     " I happened to accidentally learn the hard way. " she said with a bit of a smile trying to mask the hurt. "I think the lady has a liking to you, that's good, but always be careful around her and kind, her mood can change in an instance. She used to be more fond of me but after I opened the window she has more of a coldness to me. You see her daughters can't experience the cold, it will hurt them, and if you hurt her daughters, well your dead. I'm lucky to be alive. " she said trying to convey the danger I was really in. 

     "I understand, I will never open the windows, and I need to always be careful. Oh and don't cook the meat, got it. " you say sounding a little confident. She put a hand on your shoulder. " and never try to escape. They will kill you. " you felt your heart start to pound. And thought to yourself I can never escape. In seconds the room started to fill with bugs. "Is dinner almost done. " one of the voices rang and you turned to see one of the girls licking the side of the servants neck. 

     "Im so hungry I could eat you right here, and not feel a bit of pity. " she giggled as she talked. You heard the doors open behind you and saw as the servers each handed you the plates to set at the table. The bugs formed again until she was in her chair. You set a plate in front of her and she immediately picked it up with her hands and messily ate it. As did the other 2. But once you reached the lady she had a towel in her lap and a knife and fork ready to eat more proper. 

   " now girls, there is no need to eat with your hands when our beautiful maids and servants have set the table so beautifully for us. " she said smiling at both you and her girls. "Fineee mom! " one cried as she picked up the fork and still ate it rather sloppily. "You can leave us to eat now dear" she said looking straight at you. 

    "Unless that is you want to become my meal. " you Immediately start to sweat. "Just kidding, like I said I don't want to waste you just yet, humans are so breakable. " she then pointed towards the dinning room door and you left through it. Outside you were greeted by more of the castle staff.

     You figured there had to be quite a few for a castle this large. And all of them seemed to be girls. It made you kind of curious as to why there were no men. But you didn't think much of it and headed back upstairs to your room. 

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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