more than just her servant

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

Sorry that I didn't post for a little while. I didn't have the time to make another one! But I hope you guys enjoy this one. Also sorry that this one is a bit shorter than usual.


Once out of the bath you followed the lady back to her room only wrapped in towels. She walked over to her closet and put on a lace red bra and matching underwear. She got closer to you and kissed you again. You started to blush. And she walked back into the closet and put on a dress she walked back out and stood in front of you for you to zip it up. So you did.

She grabbed your hand and took you into her closet

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She grabbed your hand and took you into her closet. "Pick any dress you like, whatever you believe would suit you. The prettiest one. " you nodded and pointed to a beautiful dress. One that was embroidered with all kinds of things. She picked it up and handed it to you. "Oh I can't take this, I'm nothing but a servant. " you said quickly. She looked at you confused. "You're just my servant? Then would you call what we just did something a servant should do with their boss? " she said, trailing her fingers along your shoulders.

"I guess not. " you said, looking up at her smiling. " You're not just a servant my dear, you are worth more to me than just that. " she said, smiling down at you. You wrapped your arms around her hips and attempted to hold her close. She picked you up and held you close. "There you go my dear. "

She set you back down and held out the dress "only the best for you and only you. " you stepped in to the dress and she zipped it up in the back. You turned to meet her gaze and said quietly and unsure "what even are we? " she looked at you shocked. Still amazed by how beautiful you were in that dress that you picked for yourself. She grabbed your hand and kneeled on the ground. She placed her other hand on your side waist and held you close. Still holding your hand.

"Whatever do you mean my dear? " she said looking into your eyes with a concerned expression. You looked away our of embarrassment and you felt the hand that was once on your side now on your cheek caressing it. "My dear please look at me" she said in a soft tone but still assertive. You looked at her and met her eyes that now were filled with concern.

"I think you understand what I mean. " you said finally. She looked at you once again with a confused face. " If I'm not your servant, what am I to you? " you said with a shaky tone. She smiled and let out a giggle. " do I really have to spell it out my dear? " she said placing both her hands on the sides of your cheeks. " well dear if you must know i- I" she said looking away from you.

Using one of your hands you lightly touched her face. Her eyes met yours again. " you don't have to say anything. " you said your hands now holding yours. She smiled " while I appreciate the kindness I believe that it would do you good to know what I think about this, am I right? " she said, smiling at you. You nodded your head slowly and looked up at her. She sighed " my dear you are my everything, besides my daughters of course. I've never felt a connection quite like ours and I must say I've enjoyed every bit of it. Though we've only met a few days ago I see myself wanting to spend the rest of this life with you. "

She placed both her hands on your shoulders "and because I believe it's your right to know. I am going to tell you something, and if you disagree that is okay. Because I know how I feel in this situation and feel as though you should know. " she took a deep breath and blurted out " I love you. "You looked at her with surprise and she turned away quickly, avoiding eye contact. Your face turned bright red and you got up and ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind you.

You could hear her get up and walk towards the door " are you okay dear? " she said placing a hand on the door. You looked in the mirror and saw your bright red face staring back at you. " im fine, just give me a moment " you said looking into the mirror still. Trying to calm yourself down. You could hear her hand let go of the door and what sounded like the phone ring. You heard her get further and further from the door and peaked out.

" yes mother I will be there right this instant " she said with what sounded like aggression. She placed the phone down and looked back to the bathroom door sighed and left the room. You tip toed to the door and peaked out to find her walking down the stairs. Before she could go out the door you yelled out " where are you going? " she looked back at you but kept walking. " I have matters to take care of, be careful and good while I'm gone" she said walking out the door.

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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