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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

Want mommy save you. Must I say more?


Alcina's POV-

I walked into the castle relieved of the meeting. Now I didn't have to worry about that cursed Chris Reidfield. I walked up the stairs to look for her with a beaming smile on my face. " My love! Heisenberg has taken the man for us! " I said aloud in the room closing my eyes with excitement. Yet when I opened them I realized nobody was here.

Panic began to arise inside me. "DAUGHTERS! " I screamed. They all appeared in front of me and I laid my furious fists by my sides and tried to stay calm. For I doubted this was their fault. " Where is she? " I said with a low and gravel tone. " Mother, we don't know. We haven't bothered her we promise! " Cassandra said.

I believed her. For I could tell when she was lying. " We need to find her! " I shouted starting to panic even more knowing this was not them. I walked into the room and walked over to the bedroom window. There I noticed that it was unusually open. 'Someone outside of this castle has taken her ' I thought.

I quickly shouted for my daughters again after closing the window. " She's not here someone has taken her. " I said trying to keep the tears from falling down my face. For I couldn't be sad now. So I replaced my utter sadness with anger.

Y/N now-

You could feel yourself shaking. You were moving. You opened your eyes but you still couldn't see anything. You attempted to move your hands but they wouldnt move. Then your feet, they also wouldn't budge. You started to become furious with frustration. "Where are you taking me? " you attempted to shout but no words came out. You tried to squirm. Finally you felt someone lay a hand on your side and force you to stay still. " Calm down girl we're trying to save you. " the man said with a stern voice.

You didn't recognise them. But all you felt was anger. You didn't want to be "saved" you just wanted to be in Alcina's arms. Or hold her hand while walking to breakfast. You just wanted her. You began to cry and the tears wouldn't stop. You just laid on the back of what ever you were on and cried.

You drifted off back to the darkness and awaited for someone to save you from it.

When you finally awoke again you could feel the warmth of a fire. You opened your eyes slowly and looked around you. You were laying on the ground some where in the forest beside a campfire. Around you were several tents and a couple of what you assumed were men.

" the girls finally awake" one of them muttered. You looked at them with a glare. You still couldn't really move. You looked down and noticed your tied hands and feet and your mouth was also covered with something.

One of the men came over to you and pulled whatever was on your face off and you whined in pain. The adhesive stuck to your skin. " there now you can talk girl. " the man said as he walked away from you.

You gritted your teeth with anger and attempted to piece together a calm sentence in your mind. " Please take me back to my lady" you said starting to cry. Trying to get their pity. " what do you mean girl, we're saving you from 'your lady'." The same man said with a stcastic tone that ate at you even more. " I suggest you take me back before she comes here and kills all of you. " you mumbled.

" what do you mean girl? " the man spat. " I am nothing more than a meer girl to you. Yet to the lady I am one of her most prized possesions. So I suggest you take me back. " you said with a wide grin.

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