making love with the lady

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.・✫・゜・。.Author's note.・✫・゜・。.
 WARNING! this episode is VERY spicy and is not made for young audiences or people who can't handle "spicy" things. But if ya wanna continue please enjoy. 


    The next morning you woke up to the lady still asleep beside you.  You smiled at the sight of her and lightly moved her hair out of her face. Her nose twitched at the feeling. You watched her and giggled. Trying to contain your laughter, her eyes opened slowly only to meet yours. You got embarrassed at her seeing you watching her sleep. She smiled at the sight of you and grabbed your waist to pull you closer. She kissed your lips and cuddled next to you. 

     You curled up in her arms and she held you tightly. But still lose enough for you to breathe. You felt safe in her arms, yet at the same time danger. But in a weird way you enjoyed that feeling. She looked into your eyes, studying your face. " I don't think I've ever seen eyes prettier that yours. " she said still staring at them. You turned away shyly. " can I please keep looking into them" she said pulling you closer to her. You turned back to meet her eyes again but this time you were met with her lips again. 

      "So how did the meeting go? " you said. But you could tell she wasn't all that comfortable answering. " The plan failed. Mother still got the child, but the father Ethan is still alive, as well as Mia the mother is still alive too. In some place mother won't tell me. " she said, sighing. " I would honestly rather not talk about the things going on in the world, the world where I'm deemed a monster. Yet whenever I'm with you, I feel like I'm just me. " she said, cuddling closer to you. You got closer to her. And she got even closer to you. She wrapped her hands around your waist. " I guess I shouldn't rip your dress again. " she said and started to untie the night gown.

      You realized you were wearing nothing underneath and so did she when she saw your breast staring back at her. "Going to bed in nothing but a nightgown, if I were smart I would say you were begging for this. " she said, pulling the night gown completely off of you. You did the same to her. You reached up to her night gown and slowly unbuttoned it. You kissed her as you did it. What was underneath was lacy black underwear  you whispered into her ear. " and how am I not supposed to think you wanted this wearing such sexy undergarments. " 

     She smiled and pushed you down as soon as you got the last word out. "So what if I did? " she said, towering over you. It made you hot realizing that there was nowhere to go or run. No way to escape being her prey. She could tell what you were thinking and layed closer to your body and she kissed your stomach. Your back arched at the feeling. She smirked watching you move. Her tongue gliding over your body. You whined at the feeling. She got closer to where you Could feel the warmth of their body on top of yours. Your hands went to her back where you were fiddling with the clasps trying to take her bra off. 

    Finally you did. Her breasts were suddenly laying on top of you. You smiled at the sight of them. " Wow, I've never seen anything quite like it. " she smiled as you said it. You sat up and wrapped your mouth around one of them, licking them until her nipples were hard. " Wow, you must really want me. " You said grinning, she moaned. "Are you sure you've never done this before? " she said her back arched. You moved your hands to her underwear and slipped your hand inside them. Her body started to shiver as you moved your hand closer and closer. 

      You could feel how wet she was. " You were just begging for me to touch you weren't you? " she bit her own hand to keep herself quiet. You pushed her down onto the bed and put your mouth on one of her breasts and your hand on her pelvis until it was inside her. She moaned as you entered an area that hadn't been touched in a long time. She moved one of her fingers down to your area as well. Though her hands were much larger than yours. Her nails were sharp. She realized as she started to get closer to your pelvis and stopped herself. 

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