The Honeymoon

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.・✫・゜・。.Authors Note.・✫・゜・。.

This is pretty much pure smut, but if you want to read that go ahead! Thanks for liking my story :))

.・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。.

      You felt as your lips curled into a soft smile, your warm, small body against hers. You felt as her soft hands landed on your waist, her warm gaze scanning you up and down. You bit your lip to her welcomed observations. You watched as a soft smirk landed on her lips.

     "Kitten? " she whispered, moving closer to you, taking in your sweet scent. " yes? " you said back a smile still appearing on your  soft lips. She giggled and then rose from the bed "would you like to visit the red room? " she said with a suggestive tone, you didnt know how to respond. Nor how to say no, so you just lightly nodded, and a blushed grin appeared on her cheeks.

      She walked over to you, gracefully picking you up, and began to walk to the stairs, the room that you had only seen for a few moment. You watched as she brought a key out, and once again unlocked the strange room, her warm body against yours seemed to soothe you. You almost felt as though you could rest as she held you. But that feeling didn't last for long.

      The room was cold and dark, the only light was the dimly lit red light. The walls were covered in a velvet red, soundboards around the room to hide whatever sound was to escape whomevers lips. A soft growl escaped the ladies lips. She set you down on the floor, her height now towering over you. " let's make this your best last experience as a human. Not that having a cadou in you really changes anything, just gets rid of the fear. "

         She said her black sharp nails tracing your jaw, a devious smirk crossing her lips. She was once again dominating, but this time, you weren't going to chime in, you quite liked being led around. Just not all the time. You felt as she stopped tracing your chin, and her hand slowly moved down to your neck. Taking it in a firm hold. She began to make her hand tighter, and moved your body up to her height, your body against the wall gasping for air.

  She let go of the choke hold, using her hands to keep you in place, she kissed your lips softly, you let out a soft moan, opening your mouth, she slid her tongue inside, wrapping it around yours, her lips softly pressed against yours. She then let you go, letting you collapse to your knees, the sharp pain shooting up your body, a gasp escaping your lips. She went over to a device similar to the one she used for both Ethan and Chris  Reidfield.
         You watched as she devious smile returned. " come here. " she said in a stern tone, that made you immediently obey, you came to her. She picked you up, and placed your hands in the cuffs, and then your ankles, you were now strewn across the ceiling. A cackle escaping her lips. Then she placed a leather collar around your neck. " beg for me kitten. " she said a soft kiss against your lips.

        The pain was weird, it didn't nessisairly hurt, it just felt uncomfortable. You felt as her hands slowly moved to your dress. It was barely staying in place. You watched as her sharp claws appeared. She ripped the dress completely off. You watched eyes wide, until it fell onto the ground, a smile crossing her lips.

       You were now left with nothing but your undergarments on. " can I do what I want with you dear? " she said In a genuine tone. " yes" you said with shaky breath. You felt as her hand slowly glided along your back, making you gasp, and your back begin to arch. You felt as her hand got closer to the region you had known she enjoyed. She slowly took her leather gloves off, unveiling her cold pale hands. Her black sharp nails.

         You felt as you anticipated for her to touch you, but she didn't. Instead you felt a sting reach your ass, she had a black tasled wip, and it landed hard on your ass, another one fell, making you yelp in pain, but also pleasure. You handn't known that pain could feel good. Another one landed on your back. " yell for me dear, nobody will hear you anyways! " she said with a cackle.

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