Am I not as special?

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.・✫・゜・。.Authors Note.・✫・゜・。.

   I didn't mean to make this part so canon but none the less I hope you like it. <3

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        Several hours later the lady returned to the castle. Yet what she returned to was chaos she looked around and saw blood strewn across the walls and found none of the servants. She started to panic. She quickly ran into the main room and called for her daughters. " Daniela! Cassandra! Bella! " she cried. In only a few seconds the three girls were in front of her. She looked at them with anger. " what happened here??"

           They looked around the room and then again the floor. " we were hungry while you were gone and ran out of meat. So we had to turn to the maids. " one said. " where is she? " she said angrily looking at the three of them. " where is who mother? " they all said together. " the one who you kept calling my snack, the servant girl who ate dinner with us. Where is she? " she said getting closer to them. 

       "I-i don't know mother! We didn't eat her I promise! " they all cried. She heard a door open beside her and out crawled a woman covered in black cloth her hunched over with no meat on her bones. "What is that? " she said angrily to the girls. They looked at her scared " we only sucked their blood and that happened to them, it's almost like their still alive! " they said stepping back away from it. The lady turned to meet the creature walking towards her. 

     In seconds she slashed it and it fell to the ground dead. It turned to ash before her eyes and seemed to disappear. The lady stopped looking at it and walked up the stairs to her room and got out her key. She unlocked the door and was greeted by you shaking in the corner of the room. She sighed in relief and walked over to you and sat down and put her arms around you and held you close. You turned to meet her smiling. 

       " Alcina! " you cried. " I'm here now, don't worry! " she said, holding you close. You cried in her arms and held you close. " what happened while I was gone dear. " You looked up to see her gaze, tears still streaming down your face. " almost everyone in the castle is gone. I had to hide from your daughters. They were searching everywhere for me. " you cried. 

       You got up and grabbed her hands and led her to her bathroom where 1 of the maids laid. " but I saved her, I know you don't like her, but she helped me get to where I am. " you said looking up at the woman. She nodded and smiled. " very well then, you may stay here until I take care of my daughters. " she said walking back into her room. You turned to meet the maid who was shaking and crying. " it's okay now Sarah. "

       Sarah smiled at you and got up and followed you into the ladies room. She was sitting on her bed smoking and turned to meet you. " I need to go talk to my daughters so you two should stay up here" she said as she got up. But before she left she bent down as if she was about to whisper into your ear but instead pecked you on the cheek. You blushed immediately and turned away. She chucked at the sight of it and left the room. 

       You turned to look at Sarah who's eyes were wide and at the same time she had a grin as if she wanted to know more. You sighed and walked over to her and sat on the bed. She watched as you attempted go get on the tall bed and giggled. But instead of her trying to get on the much too tall bed she went over to the chair next to the vanity and placed it beside the bed to sit on. " Sooo tell me about this rondevu your having with the lady of the castle" she said smirking at you. 

     You turned away out of embarrassment but you could see out of the corner of your eye her excitement, and her wanting to know more. You sighed and caved. " uhm I kind of walked in on her loosing her shit and then she sort of broke down and hugged me crying and I guess I made her feel good just by existing and now shes kind of in love with me and I think I might like her too. " you said quickly. 

     Sarah looked at you her eyes wide " so she just fell in love with you like that!? " you nodded your head. " and well I guess other things helped " you said looking away from her. "Like what? " she said looking at you intrigued. " uhm I think you know what. " you said embarrassed, her face turned bright red as soon as she realized. " damn. " is all she could get out. 

         Downstairs you could hear the scream of one of the daughters and got up quickly and left the room but before you left whispers to Sarah "stay here". You went down the stairs and peaked out one of the doors, there you saw a man who looked like he was close to being dead. Some of his fingers were missing and his hand was wrapped in a bandage. 

         As soon as he turned around all three girls appeared and pushed him down to the ground. Stook their hooks In his leg and ran off into the side door. You followed behind them quietly and peaked into the room where alcina was sitting beside a fire place turned away from the girls. One of the girls spoke " mother we bring you fresh prey! " alcina stood up as she heard it and turned " you are so kind to me daughter. Well let's take a look at him. " her eyes then met his. 

       "My, my Ethan Winters, you've escaped my little brothers idiot games did you? Let's see how special you really are. " you watched as the girls picked the man up and she walked over to him. And split his wrist and started to drink from it, while you were both disgusted and concerned at the same time you almost felt a little jealous. Had you no longer been her favorite. Was she lying to you all along? You were spaced out overthinking and then heard the sound of a chain. 

      You looked into the room and saw as the man was raised from the ground by the chains. It looked like absolute torture. Before you knew it she was headed your way. You ran out of the room but you knew she heard you. You could hear her steps from behind the door but you kept running. And then you felt her hand grab your shoulder and you stopped running.

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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