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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

What else did the lady had to offer? And just how cute is she?

Okay but also side note, thank you so much for all the love that came with this story, at the time I'm writing this we just crossed the 7k mark and I'm ecstatic!! ❤


You could hear a quiet knock at the door and the faint sound of buzzing. " Mother? " Daniela called from behind the door. The lady sighed and set you down, walking to the door. " yes dear? " she asked opening the door only to where she could see her, and not what was behind her. You quickly covered the canvas, careful of the wet paint.

" is it finished? " she asked in an enthusiastic voice, putting her hands behind her back. " yes it is dear. " the lady said with a warm smile. " can I see it? " the girl said, with a beaming curious smile. " unfortunately no, I don't believe this is one to share. " the lady said with a genuine tone. " oh! ...I see what it has in it. " the girl said a giggle escaping her lips. The lady sighed and stood back up to her full height. " now is that all you wanted? " the lady said raising a brow.

" uhm no, it's actually time for dinner, I know that you lose time while you're painting so I thought I should remind you. " the girl said thinking her hair around her index finger. The lady nodded and gave her daughter a peck on the cheek before dismissing her. When she turned back to meet your eyes, she could see just how much they sparkled in the moonlight. It made her hum to herself.

She walked to you, you still siting on the stool the lady had sat on, and walked behind you, wraping her hands around your waist. " sh'all we? " she said leaning down to kiss your forehead. You nodded and followed her to dinner.
After dinner was finished you both walked back to her bedroom chambers. She grabbed a book off her night stand and her glasses that sat on the bridge of her nose and began to read to herself. Escaping between the many pages. The lady always had the same expression when she was reading, one of both satisfaction and curiosity. You noticed that the lady and all of her daughters all enjoyed to read. You were glad to share the same interest with all of them. Though you didnt emerse your self in the books quite like they did.

The lady looked up from her book curiously, you looked in the direction she was looking in and noticed 2 presents that sat on her vanity. You curiously got up from her bed and walked towards them. Her moving to the end of the bed to watch you open them. On the vanity sat 2 cards and a note. The note read " presents from the Lord's! - Samantha " You recognized one of the bags. It was from Donna, she handed it to you the night of your birthday, though you never opened it.

The other one was a box that had gift wrapping with what looked like mechanical parts on them, which you assumed from Heisenberg. He hadn't come with a present, he must of sent it in.

You first picked up the card that Donna had sent you, it had your name written on it neatly with cursive writing. You opened the card and began to read.

Dearest Y/N,

We hope these bring you great joy and warmth, me had a lot of fun making them, and choosing what we thought best fit you.

Donna Benivento


Angie's name was written rather sloppy, you could tell the doll actually wrote it, you looked at the card curiously and then grabbed the gift bag. Inside it was stuffed with tissue paper, you slowly pulled it out and unveiled what looked like clothing. You pulled it out and it was 2 dresses and a single doll. The doll was beautifully made, fit with an adorable dress and bow in its hair. You set it to the side and looked at the dresses. The first dress was a low cut dress that obviously accentuated your cleavage.

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