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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

This chapter was a little more serious and just helps the story along. So yeahhh also still dramaa!!


Daneiala opened the door and inside was the lady smoking her cigarette. Daniela cleared her throat " Mother I've brought her here for you. " the lady turned to meet her daughter with a smile " Thank you. " Daniela glared at you and you rolled your eyes. That was her way of telling you not to mention what she had told you earlier.

The lady gave you a confused expression and Daniela closed the door. " what was that about? " the lady said walking over to you. You looked up at her " oh, nothing. " you said sternly and walked over to her bed and sat at the end of it. You spoke coldy to her, and felt awful about it immediently afterwards. Yet she acted as though she didn't notice and sat down at her vanity.

She removed whatever makeup still remained and began to slip off her dress looking at you in the mirror to see if you were watching. But you weren't instead you looked at your hands studying your palms trying to avoid the ladies gaze. She huffed and walked in front of you. Waiting on you to untie her corset and so you did. But you didn't look up at her. You stayed looking down. She sighed and walked over to her closet and changed into a rather boring night dress. And laid down on the bed.

You went to her closet as well and changed into a button up nightgown the same as you wore another time. You laid in the bed beside her leaving room between the two of you and attempted to fall asleep.

In the Dimitrescu Daughters room-

"Sister's!!" Daniela shouted walking into the room. The other two girls looked up from their beds with a confused expression " yes Daniela? " Cassandra said annoyed.
" Cassandra, Bela, I really messed up! " Daniela said falling on the ground and covered her face. The two girls appeared in front of her. " what happens Dani?" Bela said rubbing her shoulders.

" It's Y/N I accidentally told her about Lydia.. " Daniela said looking up at her sisters. Their eyes wide with shock but also fear. For they knew there would be hell to pay for such a large betrayal to their mother. But none-the-less the girls attempted to comfort her despite the huge betrayal.

Back in the Dimitrescu Chambers-

Once again you were on the bridge crossing over into the castle. This time the lady wasn't quietly crying instead she was screaming. Screaming out your name. She held you tightly in her arms. The you that was dead. You watched as her tears trailed down her cheeks her face hot with anger and also pure sadness. Then her screams stopped and her eyes met yours.
You awoke shaking and crying. The lady was still asleep next to you, you were cuddled close to her, her arm wrapped around you, but due to your quiet whimpering her eyes shot open and she looked at you confused and concerned. You turned away from her and sat up. Tears rolling down your cheeks. You didn't know what to do. You felt the ladies hands wrap around you. " I know you've been distant. And I don't know why. But I'm here. Here with you. " she said getting closer to you. You fell back into the ladies arms.

You didn't push her away you just laid there crying and shaking. You wanted these horrible dreams to go away. You didn't want to look at the lady like she was a monster. You wanted to look at her with your loving eyes. She didn't deserve this. But because of your own jealousy and pride you stayed quiet and said nothing.

You could tell it was eating at her. She wanted to know how to help. How to make everything feel better. But you no longer knew that you could trust her and you hated that feeling.

Lady Dimitrescu x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now