The lady and her games

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's Note.・✫・゜・。.

Yeer. So uh yeah. Idk what to say. But uh yeah 🤺


A week had passed since the incident with the mistress. You didn't mention the name Lydia again. The daughters were scolded and punished. Though you had no idea how severe. Everything seemed to feel normal. Well okay at least, the lady had gone back to her normal self as did the girls. Yet today that would change.

The lady had gone to a family meeting earlier in the day, but when she returned she was not alone. Instead she had a new maiden wrapped around her hand. You watched from the stairs as the lady entered the door and she didn't seem to notice you. She continued to walk into the kitchen. Still gripping the girls hand.

It made you a little jealous to see Alcina hold another girls hand but you attempted to brush your feelings aside. You got mad at yourself for thinking such things. You went back into the lady's room and awaited her return. Yet she didn't. You got bored of waiting and walked down to the kitchen. Opening the dining room doors. Inside you were shocked.

The new maiden was sitting at the dining room table on the other side of Alcina. Her face was a bright red. You huffed and sighed and sat in your seat next to the lady. You placed a hand on her thigh and she immediently jumped and looked at you. " Oh- Y/n! " she said looking at you with a surprised smile.

You looked over at the maiden who seemed to look annoyed. You attempted to ignore it. The lady smiled. " y/n this is Alice. The new maid that mother Miranda wanted to move here. " she said placing a hand on her shoulder. " whys she eating with us? " you asked trying to retain a sweet and calm voice.

" well she's my new hand maiden. And I thought she could eat with us. " she said giggling a little. You nodded your head. The girls entered the room and sat in front of you immediently eyeing the new candy. " who's this mother? " the girls asked enthusiastic. Bella gave her a flirtatious smile. " this is my new personal maid. She's come here from Mother Miranda estate, she believes she will make a great addition to the castle. " Alcina said sweetly back to them.

After dinner you left the dining room but not in Alcina's hand. She was too busy showing the new maid around the castle. You huffed. " Aww poor pet is jealous. " Bela said walking up behind you. You rolled your eyes. " haven't you learned your lesson? " you said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes.

You continued up to the ladies chambers and found that she was in there on the bed next to the new hand maiden. They were both giggling. The new maidens face was a deep red, she was blushing intesley. You watched from the door frame arms crossed waiting for her to notice your presence but before she could the maiden looked at you and giggled.

" Hello Y/N~" she said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes. " I'll leave you two. " the maiden said walking towards you at the door but you followed her out and closed it behind you. She looked at you with a grin. " listen here" she said her tone changing completely. " I don't care what you are to her. But the lady will he mine. Mother Miranda belived I would have a good life here. And I will make that happen y/n" she said walking away. But you didn't let her go far.

You walked up behind her and grabbed her hair. " listen here bitch. " you said turning her around and pinning her against the wall. Her face became red immediently. She didn't expect for you to be dominant. " she's mine. And I'm hers. There's no room here for you. You can go back to mother Miranda if you wish to be more to her than a meer maid. " you said getting closer to her ear almost a whisper. " understand? " the girl shook between your arms.

" y-yes ma'am " she said sinking down to the floor. You heard the lady open the door and moved away from the girl allowing her to fall to the ground. " are you alright Alice? " you said with a glare. The girl shook her head yes and grabbed your hand and you helped her up. " sleep well. " you said. And she left through the hallway door. You smirked and then turned to meet Alcina 's eyes.

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