Eating dinner with the lady

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.・✫・゜・。. Author's note .・✫・゜・。.
         Idk what to say. So hi. Oh and also hope you enjoy! :) 

     .・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。. 

         She stood up turned and picked up her vanity and slammed it on the ground. She was huffing and fuming. "There's a family meeting tonight, and I am being forced to attend. " she said aggressively. And stomped into the bathroom where she came back out with a new dress on and her corset untied. She walked over to you and hinted at you to tie it for her. And so you did. 

     You looked down at your now shredded dress from the ladies teeth and sighed. She went back to the closet and grabbed another dress and threw it on the bed beside you. But you looked at your bra that was also torn and she looked at her own chest and realized there were none that were going to fit yours. " my bras are much too big for you, you will have to consult with the other servants to get your proper size my dear. " she said staring at your chest. 

     She looked away and smiled a little pink and walked out the room. You slipped on the dress and immediately went to the maid with the scar on her face to get a new bra. You didn't know what to tell her. Like ah yes the lady just ripped my bra off and I need a replacement. That won't work. I'll just say the straps broke. You thought to yourself. 

     You found her downstairs and walked over to her. " hello, I need another undergarment. My uhh… strap broke.. " you said embarrassed. She looked at you suspiciously. But proceeded to her room. You followed. She opened the door and went straight to a closet and grabbed a random bra from it and threw it at you. She turned away and you slipped it on and buttoned back up your dress. "Okay" you said, waiting for her to turn around again. She did. She left the room and so did you. 

     " I don't believe I have gotten your name before. " you said hoping she would tell you. " My name is sarah. " the girl said, returning back to the downstairs area to dust. " are you just living here or are you going to be an actual servant and help us take care of this castle she said, hinting to the broom propped up against one of the chairs. You walked over to it and began to sweep. You did so for about 15 minutes and then noticed the lady staring down at you. She made her way down the stairs, after you noticed her. 

     You wondered how long she had been watching. She came over to you and pulled at your arm and you followed her. Setting the broom at the same chair. You followed her into the dining room. There she had a chair right next to hers, which she pointed for you to sit at. And so you did. She pushed your chair in and sat down beside you. " I understand that you can't eat what we do. So I asked the kitchen staff to cook you some beef, I hope that will suffice. " she said looking away. " thankyou ma'am. " she turned to you again with a death glare. "Sorry I mean Alcina. " she smirked and looked away again. 

     The girls entered the dining room doors behind you and they sat in front of the both of you. They stared at you confused. " why is the midnight snack sitting at the dining room table" one of the girls said. The other smiled " mother has taken a liking to the small human hasn't she. " she giggled as she said it. The lady looked away displeased by the statements and turned to meet your eyes. And you met hers. One of the girls said a little too loudly "awww" in a mere second the lady looked at her with what looked like a scolding glare. The girl became quiet and looked at her sisters. They each giggled at the girl's embarrassment. 

      " I will be having a meeting with mother Miranda and the rest of the family tonight. So please be on your best behaviour here while I'm gone girls. " she said, looking at them each with a death glare. " I don't want any unnecessary attention added to us. " she said and then looked back at you again. The kitchen  doors opened and the servants placed plates in front of all of you. You waited till everyone at the plate had one and finally started to eat after everyone else started. 

     The lady looked at you and smiled " is it to your liking my dear? " you nodded and she looked back at her plate and ate it properly. You could tell the girls had learned from the last time they ate, because this time they used forks and knives. You glanced at them and they smiled at you. The one that had visited you earlier though looked at you annoyed. You could tell she was salivating at the thought of tasting you. Once again the servants returned and this time with wine, they filled each glass with a beautiful wine. Even yours. You looked at the lady almost at reassurance that you could have any. 

    She nodded and took a sip savoring the flavor. " please do try it. I make my wine completely special and unique. " you looked at her shocked " you made this? " she nodded " yes, how else do you think I could afford such a beautiful castle" she said smiling. The girls giggled as you tasted it. Your eyes widened " this is delightful, I've never tasted anything like it. Thank you " you said, taking another sip. You noticed the girls giggles and looked at them confused. 

     "Am I doing something wrong, what's so funny? " you said, confused. " oh nothing" they all said together. You looked at the lady again and she met your gaze. " Nothing at all" she said, smiling at you. She looked as though she was studying you. You continued dinner until it was time for you to follow the lady back to her chambers. You followed her up to her room and sat on her bed. You finally got used to getting on it on your own. But it still made her giggle watching you get on it. 

       " I need you to stay here tonight, lock my bedroom door. I have a key, Im the only one with a key. I will join you in bed later tonight. Please do be careful, I trust my daughters, but I don't always trust their hunger and their want to disobey me and rebel. Also there are things going on here, and the village that you are unaware of. I won't be having anymore servants. You will be my only personal servant. There will still be some but not near as many as there used to be. The village has fallen dear. " she said shaking. 

     You rubbed her shoulders as to try and comfort her. " I don't want to lose you. " she said looking at you. You smiled. " don't worry, you won't lose me, I'm still here. " she smiled at you as you said it and got up. " I have matters to attend to. I will see you later. " she said as she got up and closed the door. Locking it behind her. You laid on her bed alone. The first time since you had moved into the castle.

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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