meeting her family

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.・✫・゜・。. Authors Note.・✫・゜・。.

        What is Alcina's family like? Keep readings and find out. Also thankyou for 600 views! Wow! #>w<#


   You laid quietly in her arms as she walked out the door and into the snowy cold. She held you close keeping you warm. You could feel your hot breath on her chest and you attempted to use it to keep you warm. She carried you into another room that led to a much bigger area. The room looked broken. The roof was missing but there were 2 couches and a chair. The lady sat down quietly on one of the couches on the left. You still in her lap. 

     She used her arms to almost hide you. You assumed it was to continue to keep you warm but then you could hear the voice of the man you had met in the castle. The man that had made the lady so mad before. Her brother Heisenberg. " so you've brought your little maid here? Are you hoping to impress someone? " he said siting down on the couch across from yours. You could hear him draw off of a cigar. And looked up at the lady who looked angry. You cuddled up closer to her. 

     Almost as a way to reasurre her that your there for her. You could hear several other foot steps walk into the room. One quiet and sounded more close together and slow. Seeming to try and make themselves go unnoticed. Another that was further apart and sounded wet and slimy. Their steps seemed loud and as if they want to be noticed. More messy. 

     The lady seemed to look even more annoyed but she looked down at you and smiled. Finally you heard steps with what sounded like other movement with them. The ladies eyes followed the figure as it went by and stayed completely quiet. The room went silent to where you could no longer hear anything. 

      Then a voice, one like you've never heard before started to talk. " hello my children. Shall we get this meeting over with? " a woman said. And then you heard the sound of her siting down. The woman started to talk to Heisenberg and the lady started to loosen her grip around you. She was starting to suffocate you from squeezing you so tight. You could hear the sounds of something moving. You looked up at the lady and she stared still at the direction the voice had came. 

      " Now Alcina, you wanted to show me something? " the woman said. Alcina moved her arms her body shaking a little. You peered around the room and you were surrounded by " monsters" a man with what looked like a hood covering most of his body except his face. A woman siting in a chair holding a doll. And Heisenberg across the room smoking a cigar. You looked up and noticed a winged woman staring at you. 

   Her wings put out beautifully. You stared at them in awe. You looked at yourself to make sure you looked good enough. And the lady seemed to be doing the same thing. " now who is this Alcina? Another daughter? " the woman said, sounding almost annoyed. " bring her to me. " she said smiling. And so Alcina stood up and set you on the ground in front of her. The woman reached down and grabbed your hand. You didn't back away instead you looked up at her. She looked at you a little confused. " is she not scared of us Alcina? " you shook your head no. 

     " I apologize for answering the question for you Alcina. Yet I think I should answer this. Why would I be terrified of  a beautiful woman? " the woman stepped back almost in shock. " what do you want human? " the woman said. " nothing. " you said happily. She looked at you still a  little confused. " what is your name? " and you told her your name. She smiled. She grabbed your hand and all of a sudden you felt a jolt of pain. The lady moved in the way of Miranda and forced her hands to let go of you. " Mother Miranda, please do not hurt her. " Alcina said sternly. 

     You looked at your hand and it felt fine now. You were a little confused by what had actually happened. You looked up at Alcina who was standing in front of you in the way of mother Miranda. " what is your problem Alcina? What is this human doing here anyways? " Mother Miranda said quizidly. Alcina turned around and picked you up. She kissed you on the forehead. " this is my future wife. " Alcina said sharply. Miranda looked at her and nodded. " very well. Then I shall not touch her. " she said looking back at you again. 

     " yet why have you chosen a human? How did you meet?" Mother Miranda said now a little curious. Alcina looked down a little guilty " she was one of the women my daughters or someone had caught in the village. I found her in my cellar and was Immediately drawn to her. Especially after I tasted how delightful her blood was." Alcina said, looking away. " Things became more rather quickly. " she said looking at Mother Miranda. " very well. But you do realize humans only last so long. " she said, looking at you. You could tell she was looking at you savorly. 

      " Yes, I'm aware of that, and that's partly why we have come here. I was hoping you could 
" change " her. " Mother Miranda looked at Alcina aggressively. " so you brought her here because you want to keep her forever? " mother Miranda said annoyed. " What if she turns into a Lycan Alcina? And you lose her forever. " Alcina looked down at you and patted you on the head. " I feel confident that, that wouldn't happen. I want her to stay exactly how she is. " 

     Mother Miranda walked up to Alcina to get a closer look at you. Alcina lowered her arms to where Miranda could see. " I think I could probably put a cadou on her shoulder. Or on her thigh. " the lady looked down at you nervously. 
" what's a cadou? " you said confused. Mother Miranda giggled " it's a parasite that I have created to give someone immortality. It has worked on Alcina, Heisenberg, Donna, and Moroue. As well as all three of Alcina's daughters. "

    " Though it gives you immortality for some there are draw backs. For Alcina she has a blood disease to where she has to constantly be replenished with blood, and she's also grown to 9'6. For Moroue it made it to where he looks like what he does. For Heisenberg there's not really any drawbacks. For Donna half of her face is scared and messed up. "  you looked around the room attaching the names to the faces. 

     " who's the doll? " you said plainly. The doll stood up and ran over to you " my names Angie! I'm Donna's best friend! " you smiled and nodded as the doll talked. A little shocked by the sight of a talking doll. Mother Miranda furrowed her brow and Angie ran back into Donna's lap. Moroue hadn't talked throughout the entire meeting which seemed to be everyone's preference. He looked over at you and smiled. You attempted to smile back. 

     " all right, all right I guess we can try Alcina. Also it was nice meeting you. " Miranda said looking at you with a smile. Heisenberg sighed " can I go back to my factory please, I'm busy. " he said staring plainly at mother Miranda. She nodded " you may go Heisenberg as well as everyone else. But Alcina I would like to talk to you privately. And whilst I do that everyone else may get to know her. " you watched as mother Miranda had Alcina follow her to a seperate room. You stayed on the couch waiting for her return. Moroue and Donna walked over to you. Donna didn't talk though. 

      " Donna says your really pretty! " Angie says happily. You smile " thank you Donna. " Donna shyly looks away. Moroue smiles " we should watch romance movies! " Angie looks at him. " go away ugly! Nobody wants to watch your stupid movies! " he looks over at Angie sadly " sorry your probably right. " you shake your head. " maybe one day Moroue but not today. " he smiles a little more giddy. 

       Alcina walks over to you and grabs your hand. " alright time for us to go. She picked you up and took off her blazer and wrapped it around you and picked you up . " okay time to go back in the cold. " you waved at all of her siblings as she carried you out the door. They waved back at you, even Donna. You looked at Alcina. " Did mother Miranda say something? " you said cuddling closer to her shaking from the cold. You reached a hand up and watched as a snowflake fell on to it. You smiled at the sight of it. 

     She looked down at you " no, everythings perfect. " you held your tongue out and caught a couple more snowflakes. She kissed you as you did it. She smiled and kept walking until you were in the castle again. But she didn't set you down. She instead took you all the way upstairs and set you on the bed. " you looked so pretty today. " she said taking off her watch and a couple of her other accessories. She looked at you her hands tucked in her pockets. And you couldn't help but look at her like you wanted all of her. She shared the same look.

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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