Getting ready

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.・✫・゜・。. Authors Note .・✫・゜・。.

       Your going somewhere with the lady. 

.・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。.

      It was morning you awoke to find the lady siting next to you writing in a book. Your sleepish eyes looked up at her and she turned and smiled. " Good morning my dear. Did you sleep well?" she said looking back at her book. You smiled and cuddled up closer to her " why of course, though I much rather being awake with you. '' you said, smiling at her. She looked down at you again and moved the hair out of your face. The morning sun  was only just now starting to reach the windows and you could see the view of the beautiful forest. 

       You got up with a smaller blanket wrapped around you and walked out onto the balcony. You looked over the edge and saw snow everywhere. You hadn't really been looking outside.The time seemed to slip away while you were in that cellar. You had now been in the lady's castle for a month, most of that spent in the cellar. It's been a couple days since Ethan Winters infiltrated the Dimitrescu home. 

     Today was going to be special though, and you were about to find out why. The lady followed you out onto the balcony and wrapped her hands around you.  You had nothing underneath the blanket, you could feel her hands slip into it and her hands wrap around your waist. You turned to meet her smirking at you. Only in her nightgown. She bent down and kissed your lips. 

       You looked up at her shyly and she grinned at you and walked inside. You followed. She walked into the closet and came out in a suit. It sZ surprising. You had only ever seen the lady in a dress and her nightgowns. You were in awe at the sight of it. You watched her walk over to her vanity and fix her collar and tie. She had to order a new one by one of the men in the Village. It turned out perfect. Hopefully she won't throw this one. She sat down and did her makeup. You walked up behind her and smiled " you don't need it" she rolled her eyes as she put on her red lipstick. She popped her lips a couple if times and got up. " your too kind. "

       She grabbed your hand and made her way into the closet. She grabbed one of the more pretty dresses and put it in front of you as if to test how good it would look. She shook her head and put it back. She grabbed another one and repeated it. She kept repeating the process until she established there was nothing good enough. She went out the room and came back a couple minutes later with several other dresses. She placed a beautiful blue one in front of you and didn't even look at the rest of them. It was a sapphire blue and went perfectly with her grey button up. 

      She went back over to her vanity, your hand in hers and grabbed some satin white gloves and put them on you as well as several different accessories. You looked at her quizidly. " Why am I more dressed than usual?" you said looking at how beautiful you were in the mirror. Your hair was done beautifully and she had just got done with your makeup. " you will just have to wait and see. " she said, putting on her watch and several other things. She looked a little less feminine than usual and it kind of confused you.

      It also made you think of the different things you would do. She looked back at you raising an eyebrow and you looked away a little ashamed of your thoughts. She seemed to always know what was going on through your head. And so you felt as though she knew what you wanted to do to her. You turned and she was now putting on her heels. " if you even need to be taller" you said standing next to her.  
       She walked over to the bedroom and turned around " we're about to leave the castle my dear." She said continuing out the door. You followed her out " wait where are we going? " she turned and smiled. " It's a surprise. " you followed her downstairs to the dining room where breakfast had already been placed. Your part of the table had coffee and French toast. The others had wine and whatever was on their plate. You happily ate your breakfast all did up next to the lady. 

      Her girls also entered the room and sat across from the both of you. " Are we going with you mother?" They said turning around to look outside. " No my dears, it's much too cold out there for the three of you. " they nodded their heads. " why are you so dressed up? " they said, looking at you. The lady giggled. " you'll have to wait and find out till we get back. It's a surprise. She doesn't even know. " the girls looked at their mother and nodded their heads. "Well she looks very pretty. Did you do it? " 

       The lady smiled " Well she's always been pretty, but yes I did her makeup and everything. " she said placing a hand on your shoulder. You looked over at her and smiled. She then grabbed your hand and just held it under the table. One of the girls disappeared and you could see the bugs under the table. She tapped the other girls on the leg and they all were peeking under the table. Then they all shot back up in their seats. The lady didn't notice. They all giggled in their seats whispering in one another's ears. 

      The lady turned her head and looked at them confused " what now? " they looked at her still a little giggly " are you two like together? " the lady's face turned red and she tugged her hand away. " w-what do you mean!? "  they all started laughing. " were not compley stupid y'know. We saw you two holding hands under the table. And your always weirdly close to each other. She eats dinner with us. Also she's not dead yet. " they all said together, going one after the other. 

      " also we've heard you through your bedroom door… " they said shyly. The lady's whole face turned red. She grabbed your hand and walked out of the dinning room. But before you could walk fully out you could hear one of the girls say " are we gonna get a new sister?! " the lady looked back and picked you up and walked up the stairs. She went into her room and set you on the bed. Her face bright red, she started pacing back and forth. 

      "Ugh my daughters always do this! They make assumptions! " she went back over to her vanity and re applied her lipstick and then went back to you. " we don't have time for this. We need to leave. " the lady said walking back out the room her hand in yours. She led you out the main door and outside. It was surprisingly cold. You started to shiver. She noticed and picked you up to keep you warm. 

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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