The lady and her beautiful suit

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.・✫・゜・。. Authors Note.・✫・゜・。.

        Enjoy. Idk what else to say. Just enjoy it. 

        She looked so good in that suit. She got closer to you and you smiled as she got closer. " you looked so beautiful today. " she said getting closer. She placed a hand on your thigh and you started to sweat. She placed both hands on your thighs and pulled you closer to her. She wrapped a hand around your throat and pulled you up and kissed you. While you were kissing her you started to unbutton her shirt and she pushed you back down onto the bed. 

     " damn baby

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     " damn baby. " she said looking at you. Your legs were spread a apart and you quickly closed them your face red from embarrassment. You looked at her. Her shirt slightly unbuttoned and her cleavage showing. You started to sweat at the sight of it. She leaned down and kissed your stomach. Your dress had been pulled back. She smiled at the sight of you. You started to squirm. She looked so beautiful in her suit. You reached back up and pulled at the buttons until her shirt finally unbuttoned and you could see that she wasn't wearing a bra. 

     She giggled at the sight of your bright red face. You watched as she got on top of you and kissed you on the neck. Sucking on it. Though she didn't Pierce it. Instead she repeated the same actions all the way down your body. You watched as little purple hickeys appeared on your breasts. You reached up and took the dress completely off. Her button up shirt still hardly on her. You reached up and took it off completely and watched as it fell off.

      You smiled looking up at her. And she smiled back at you. She grabbed you by your neck again and moved her way back down your body, she placed her thumb in your mouth to keep you quiet as you started to whine. You bit down on her finger but that didn't make her stop. She was kissing you and licking you everywhere. You felt your body start to squirm but she kept you in place not allowing you to get away. She giggled at the sight of you. 

         You started to cough as her grip got tighter and you couldn't breathe you started slapping her hand until she let go. You got up and pushed her down on the bed. " you really like to be in control huh? " you said pushing her wrists down. She looked at you with a little bit of panic. " you always manage to surprise me. " she said trying to free her wrists. But you kept her down. You knew that any second she could throw you across the room and force you to beg for your life. But you also know she valued your life too much. 

      " you know that I don't want to hurt you. " she said allowing you to keep her down. She knew she could do whatever she wanted but she decided to let you take control. You wrapped your legs around her and placed a hand on her pelvis and moved it down. And in. She started to shake having to force herself to keep her down. She pulled one of her hands up to her face and bit down on her finger. You watched as she didn't know what to do with herself. 

     " i don't like other people in c-control " she said as you bent down and started to play with her even more. She sat up but with all your strength you pushed her back down. It was hard to keep her in place. She was so much stronger than you. And she had been  fighting her own instinct. She looked away from you and closed her eyes. But you grabbed her chin and forced her to look at you. " look at me my love. "

     Her eyes opened and she looked at you. " you've been in control long enough. " she said grabbing you by your neck. She picked you up and held your waist she placed you on top of her. You now siting on her face. You tried to stand up. But she held you. It looked like she had to barely try. You were trying to stop yourself. Last longer. So that this night could go on for longer. But the words that left her lips made it to where you could no longer hold back. " do it, for me. " and you released everything. She pulled you off of her. And smiled. 

     " good girl. " those words felt like butterflies. You laid down on the bed panting. Your whole body skating still. You were trying to feel normal again but you couldn't. " I'm sorry. You didn't get to. " you said opening your eyes. And that's when you realized it wasn't over. She was on top of you. " now it's my turn. " she said, bending down to whisper in your ear.  Before you could say anything. She sat on your face. You tried your best to repeat whatever she had done to you. 

      She started shaking and you figured you must of been doing it right. She started whining. " I'm going to have to teach you more my dear. " she said looking down at you. And after a few more seconds she got off of you. She couldn't hold back anymore. You smiled as you watched her face. Her eyes closed. And she just sat there now soaking wet. " your gonna have to keep buying new sheets if you keep this up. " you said walking to the bathroom. Still nothing on. She smiled and followed you. 

         You turned the bath tub on and got in and waited for it to fill up. But before that could happen she picked you up by your waist and got in the bathtub. And then placed you on her lap. She wrapped her arms around your waist and held you close. " that was lovely my dear. " she said kissing your neck. She looked at your body inspecting the damage. There were hickeys all the way up your neck and on your breasts. 

      " how are we going to hide this from my daughters? " she said a little panicked

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      " how are we going to hide this from my daughters? " she said a little panicked. You smiled and turned. " I'll just wear a scarf or something. " she smiled and nodded. You laid in the bathtub for what felt like a couple of minutes but was more like an hour. You finally got out and changed into a nightgown placed beside the bathtub. She got out too and changed. You watched as she put on the new nightgown and smiled. You went into the bedroom and pulled all the bedding off and placed it in one of the laundry baskets. 

     She helped you put on new bedding. After you were done she laid on the bed and you got on it beside her. You watched as she went to her bedside table that had a candle lit and grabbed a book and pen. She started writing in it. And you turned away from her and fell asleep. You awoke the next morning to the lady not beside you. Instead there was a piece of paper. You looked at it and realized it was a drawing of you. You smiled at it. It was beautifully drawn. You assumed the lady had drawn it and smiled at the sight of it. 

      She's a woman of many talents and being an artist was apparently one of them. You placed the drawing on her nightstand assuming it had accidentally been on the bed. You rolled over until you were at the sight of the bed. You looked over and saw her journal. You had been curious what was in it since you had first saw it. You decided you would take a peak inside it. You felt awful as you licked up the book. And you started to flip the page. 

*All art has been created by me, so if you use it please give credit to my Instagram @calliecat_yt) *

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